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Question: Please read my shortstory!?
I have just written this shortstory!. Please tell me how it is!.
Please help me because Iam trying to improve my writing in my vacations!.

Title : My victorious loss

Something was disturbing me right from the beginning of the grand finale of the National quiz contest of Physics, but come what may I had to win in this competition in order to get the $ 5000 scholarship to fund my higher education!.

From my only opponent's nervous face and trembling voice one could easily tell that her heart was throbbing out of fear and humiliation of loss!. Compared to her I was feeling very easy and was more determined to win the contest!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Behroz, do you think anyone will read this thing to the full!. By the way, very less people are interested in scientific stories!. good try anyway!Www@QuestionHome@Com