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Question: What novel literally kept you reading till the very last page!?
Just curious!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Avid reader, and there are so many i would not be able to write them all down!. the top of my list would be Gone With the Wind, by M!. Mitchell!.!.!.read it about 8 times over the years!. The Stand by S!. King, In Cold Blood, T Capote, and the very best revenge book ever written (at least in the last 100 yrs] would have to be Sleeper!.!.!.unfortunately the author does not come to mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Da Vinci Code!.

Two reasons!.!.!.
I was reading a novel after six years!!
And second, it was genuinely interesting!.
(PS: They made a mess of the movie though!. Anyone seeing it first, would probably believe its a horrible novel!!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

ANY of Greg Iles books, which are mystery and a little bit of sex, and if you like milder romance Nicholas SparksWww@QuestionHome@Com

The House on the Borderland !.

Davinci Code, Island of Lost Girls, Vanishing Acts and The Secret Life of CeeCee Wilkes!.!.!.all REALLY GOOD!. And Bitter is the New Black (if you're looking for a funny read)Www@QuestionHome@Com


ahh!. all 3 i wouldnt put down, obviously all in the same series, but definitely LOVE!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer!. And Breaking Dawn is coming out August 2nd!