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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Only partly book related...BD relase party..alice or bella?

Question: Only partly book related!.!.!.BD relase party!.!.alice or bella!?
alright, i know my question only partly involves the books and i didn't want to post it here for that reason but, im afraid i won't get as many answers if i posted it in fashion and accessories!.

okay well im going to the BD relase party ( hehe,lol!.) and i don't know who i should go as, Bella or Alice:

for Bella i'd wear: A flannel ( she wears one in eclipse), jeans, tank, converse, my edward ( be careful with my heart) t-shirt and my edward/jacob charm bracelet!.

for Alice: a short balck dress with ruffles at the bottom, i might try to cut out triangles!.
or a sequin tank and shiny red leggings ( the outfit she wore at bella's party in eclipse)

so suggetions!? commets!? what are you wearing to the BD release party!? thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Alice alot of people are going as Bella

but if you choose bella wear a red shirt like the one bella was going to wear to the party alice threw when she found out it was goneWww@QuestionHome@Com