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Position:Home>Books & Authors> In desperate need of a good book. any sugestions are welcome and also has anyone

Question: In desperate need of a good book!. any sugestions are welcome and also has anyone read the kite runner!?
ever since i saw the the underworld with kate beckinsale and scott speedman, pretty much anything to do with vampires i like!. also the whole demons vs angels thing intrests me for intstance the movie constantine!. do you have any movie suggestions or books!? i saw van helsing and i have heard of anne rice!.

i like books where when i read it it feels like im in a different world and everytime i put it down i cant wait until i get to submerge my self into that world!. books that make me thing, make me laugh make me cry, you name it = ] i'll read anything except maybe those gossipy clique series books!.!.!.!.maybe!.lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Try paul cohelo!. Those are nice ones!. Not vampire stuff and all but it is more about the thought process that goes through the character in the lead, which you will find astounding similarity with your own life!. You will have a journey within this world itself dear :) books i read of him are alchemist and eleven minutes!. Was a good experience and you mature as you read!. I will also suggest five point someone by chetan bhagat, awesome fun!. But the locale is india!. And you might find it different from the place where you live!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, there are a bunch of books that i have read!. I have no idea how old you are or what you would like!. I suggest Harry Potter (I bet you have read those)!. Or maybe Percy Jackson and the Olympians!.Www@QuestionHome@Com