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Question: Should I just submit my work!.!.!.even if its wrong!?
I wanna send a few short stories to a magazine publisher I just found!. They're basically the place I've been looking for! But the problem is they only take submissions by Email and I don't have the proper program to send them my file!. They have mirco word, I have Word pefect!. They don't take snail mail anymore they asked for Email only!.

Its driving me crazy!

Should I just mail it anyway!? What do I have to lose really!?


Excuse any grammar or spelling mistakes!. It's just yahoo!. !. !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you send them your submission in a way they say they don't
accept, your stories will never get read!. The envelope may never even be opened!. So, what you have to lose is your one shot at getting their attention!.

My suggestion is to find a public computer, such as at a library, or use a friend's computer, and convert the file into the right program!. It's really not that difficult!.

Read and re-read the submission guidelines and make sure you do everything the way they say!. If they only accept one story at a time, don't send three!. If the word count says "under 3,000," don't assume your 4,000 word story is close enough!. Publishers are busy people and don't usually make exceptions, especially for unknown writers!.

Be sure to write a short cover letter in the body of the email, but don't make a big fuss out of not having any other publications!. If you do have any, mention them!. And don't summarize or explain your story in the cover letter!. The story has to speak for itself!.

Follow the submission procedures to the T, proofread your stories and then cross your fingers and wait!.

Best of luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Should you submit your work !. !. !. even if its wrong!? Definitely not!. What do you have to lose!? Your credibility as a writer!.

More and more magazine publishers are opting for email submissions than paper for numerous reasons!. But aside from that, magazine publishers are usually very strict about their writers' guidelines and generally reject anything that is not submitted according to those guidelines!.

If you are really desiring to submit your short stories, be sure they are free from grammar and spelling mistakes, that they follow all guidelines set forth by the publisher, and then somehow find a computer to submit them!. This is really the only way a publisher will take you seriously as an author!.

Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One of my rules for any submissions at all - agents, magazines, contests - is never to submit if they don't accept snail mail!. I'd cast them off as rubbish and continue your search for an appropriate market!.

But if you insist all you need to do is use the save as function and save your work as a !.doc and send it!. It will open up!.

(This isn't The Idiot you're submitting to, is it!? Because they haven't put out a quality magazine in years!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I guess you DO have nothing to lose!.!.!.just mail it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com