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Question: Is The bean trees a good book!?
im about to be a freshmen in high school and i am supposed to read the bean trees over the summer break!.!.!.!.im having a hard time motivating myself to read it out of boredom and i was hoping that someone could tell me when it starts to get more interesting!.!.!.or if it ever gets interesting!? oh and i dont worry about spoiling it!.!.!.i dont care!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I read it for my lit class in high school and I loved it, so did most of my class!. It's pretty easy to read, so you'll probably get done with it sooner than you expect!.

Basically, it's about a young woman leaving home for the first time, getting stuck with a little Native American girl who may have been molested, and then trying to live with (and, in the end, adopt) the little girl!. There are a bunch of really great characters thrown around, too, so you'll have to read the book from beginning to end!.

I promise it's not unbelievably boring; you'll probably like it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The answer is a resounding YES! Barbara Kingsolver is an astonishing author!. I love all of her books, especially Remembering Blue!. Try that one after Bean Trees!.Www@QuestionHome@Com