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Question: Scary Story!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I searched "scary stories" on google and it came up with many websites, but this one: http://www!.scarystories!.ca/ had a lot of them!.
Another good one was: http://sfpl!.lib!.ca!.us/sfplonline/kids/bo!.!.!.
It had a list of a whole bunch of scary books that you could get at your local library!. And this one has a list of scary books for older readers (the other one was for younger readers) : http://sfpl!.lib!.ca!.us/sfplonline/kids/bo!.!.!.
Hope I helped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you're simply looking for a short scary story that isn't really of literary merit, then perhaps look at the following site: http://www!.americanfolklore!.net/spooky-s!.!.!.
That site has categories for scary stories, ghost stories, Halloween stories, etc!.!.!.

If you want a scary story of literary merit, then I suggest you read some of H!.P!. Lovecraft's short stories!. Lovecraft is known as an extraordinarily talented author in the scary/horror genre!. Some of Lovecraft's short stories can get a bit long, but he does have some exceptionally short scary stories that you could start with, such as "The Hound!."

Best wishes!Www@QuestionHome@Com

bad blood -rhiannon lassiter

so scary, delilah and her drones have given me nightmares, i see them EVERYWHEREWww@QuestionHome@Com

The Shining by Stephen King!. Best horror novel EVER!!!

Enjoy! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

go to fictionpress!.com and just click on horror and there you go!.

Lot's of "scary stories"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com