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Question: Twilight question(s)!.!.!.!?
Okay so i just started reading the book twilight (i know i am way behind) and i completely love it but i have some q's!. To start, in the chapter eight (port angeles) edward saves bella from some guys!. Edward drives away from the street and out of Port Angeles, running a series of red lights to do so!. He appears to be struggling to contain his anger and tells Bella to say anything to distract him!. My questing is why is he angry about and what is he trying to containg his anger!. Okay my 2nd q!. In the begining (dont remember what part) edward tell Bella to avoid going into the woods alone and she asks him why!.Edward just says that lets say that he is not the only monster with in the wood (or something along those lines)!. So will this statemnt play a important role in the last 3 books or was it just something to be forgotten!. Finally, i just want to double chech!. When a vampires eyes turns black or dark it means they are mad and hungry and when their eyes are in the golden stage thatWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. He needs to control his anger because those guys could've raped Bella or something!. Edward doesn't want to lose Bella, that's why he constantly saves her from danger!.
2!. Yes, it will play an important on New Moon and Eclipse!. He's saying that there may be wolves in the forest!. Half-human, half-wolf!. Have you met Jacob Black!? He will become a werewolf in New Moon!. Vampires and werewolves are enemies, that's why he calls them monsters!.
3!. When a vampire's eyes are black and dark it means that they are thirsty for blood or if they have purple bruises under their eyes!. If it is gold it means that they are not thirsty for blood!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. edward was angry at the guys who were about to assault bella, but knew that he shouldnt kill them (remember he used to "specialize" in drinking the blood of potential murderers)
2!. it does have something to do with the next 3 books WARNING SPOILER DONT READ IF YOU HAVENT READ THE SECOND BOOK! it probably refers to the quileute tribe werewolves
3!. when they're golden it just means theyre not thirsty (like when normal vampires arent thirsty their eyes are red)Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok for your first question Edward is angry because the guys Bella ran into were thinking about raping her and since Edward could read minds he could literally visualize it happening even though it didn't!. I think he is trying to contain his anger because if he got mad he would scare Bella or hurt her!.

the second question, sort of you will have to read the second book to find out!.

And you are correct on the third question!.:-D

continue reading twilight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You'll find out about the other monsters in the woods in New Moon!. it is important

Gold means that they aren't hungry

Edward is angry because they were going to hurt Bella, also that he's interfering in her life and doesn't want to, but mostly because the guys were going to hurt bella!. YOu will find out more about this when you find out more about him!. They explain a LOT of things throught the next couple of chaptersWww@QuestionHome@Com

Edward was mad at the guys probably because of what he saw in their mind that they were going to do to bella!. He wanted Bella to distract him so he wouldn't turn around and go after them!.

And yes the monsters in the woods part is something that will happen in the next books!.

When they're eyes are golden they arn't hungry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hes mad because of the guys trying to harm Bella, he's trying to contain his anger because he could snap those guys in two n the blink of an eye!. And that would draw attention!.

That statement plays a huge role in the end of this book and a fairly minor role in New Moon, big-ish role in Eclipse!

Black eyes = thirsty!.
Gold eyes = not thirsty lol!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hes angry about what the creeps were thinking about bella (like what they were gonna do to her) and yup it will matter in 2 and 3 and lastly in the golden topez state they are content with food

read my story!!!!

You should probably reread the Port Angeles scene when they're in the restaurant to answer your first question!. If you don't mind being spoiled, Edward is a vampire!. (Duh!.)
Your second question will play a part in the rest of the books, yes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1) He was angry not at Bella but, at the men who were planning to hurt her!. Since he can read minds, he knew the horrible things they were going to do!. That's why he wanted Bella to calm him down so he wouldn't go back to kill those guys!. He loves her!.!.!.well at least at that point, deeply cares for her so he doesn't want anything to happen to her!.

2) I am a little afraid to answer because I think it may be considered a spoiler since you won't find out until the next book!. So if you don't want to know, skip this paragraph!. ****When he says monsters, I think he is talking about other vampires, werewolves and/or other wild creatures like bears or whatever else!.**** Anyways, I am almost positive that is what he meant!.

3) Vampire's black eyes=Thirst!.!.!.!.hunger for blood
Vampire's gold eyes=Vamps who feed off of animals/wild life not humans
Vampire's red eyes=Vamps who feed off of humansWww@QuestionHome@Com

1!. He explains later, but he was fighting the urge to kill the men who were following Bella because he knew what they were planning to do to her!.

2!. That reference to "not being the most dangerous thing out there" actually comes into play in Twilight, towards the end, so keep reading!

3!. The eyes are golden just after they've eaten and slowly get darker as they get hungrier, until they're black and very thirsty!. It has nothing to do with emotion!. Bella made a joke that boys get cranky when they're hungry, and she guessed that since he was so cranky and his eyes were black, he must be hungry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Well He is angry that Bella was almost hurt and that those guys almost hurt her!. He is trying to contain his anger so he doesn't hurt them!. Let's just say Edward is special!. You will find out soon!! :]

2!. Ok you will find out in the second book [New Moon] That the vampires have an enemy and they are the only thing, creature, animal, ect!. that can kill vampires!. Vampires are the only thing that could hurt/kill them!. So they are equally dangerous and he doesn't want them to hurt Bella while in the woods!.

3!. Ok!.!.!.Well here:

Black Eyes: They are hungry for blood and need to go hunting !.
Golden Eyes: They aren't hungry for blood and are safer to be around!. :]

I hope that I helped you atleast some!!! I know but things will all clear up by the end of the book and if not we're here!! Well!.!.Bye! :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

A!.1) He tries to contain his anger, because his natural instincts tell him to kill in a time of anger!. He was angry at them because of what they were thinking about Bella, and he cares about her and though it doesn't mention this until Eclipse (book 3) his sister, Rosalie, went through a similar thing in her human life!. More details in Eclipse!.
A!.2) You'll learn more in New Moon and Eclipse, but I'm pretty sure it was inferred that it was because of werewolves!.
A!.3) Dark eyes= thirst Light eyes= not as thirsty, "full" Red eyes= vampires that drink human blood, that just killed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com