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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Hi there is a book i like but cant think of the name can you help me?

Question: Hi there is a book i like but cant think of the name can you help me!?
its about a girl who goes to a concert and meets a guy and contracts aids and she keeps a dairy or something i cant remember and i think her aunt has to take care of herWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"It Happened to Nancy" by an Anonymous Teenager (Beatrice Sparks)
"Nancy is a 14 year old girl who just wants to have fun while at a concert with her friends!. While being there she has an asthma attack and an eighteen-year old guy named Collin helps her!. He takes her outside and tells her to relax!. From that day on she starts talking to him everyday afterschool!. One night, she invites him to her house when her mother is not home, and he rapes her!. After that night, when she begins to look for Collin, it turns out that he does not study in the college he told her!. She begins feeling very sick later on, and easily exhausted!. Then one day, when her mother takes her to the doctor, she has blood samples taken!. She then learns that she has HIV and doesn't know what to do; she just wants to die and feels that she doesn't have anything on earth for her!. Her closest friends help her out, along with her boyfriend Lew"Www@QuestionHome@Com

I did some research for you and I think the book might be It Happened to Nancy!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

um I think it's one of those books like Go Ask Alice!. it's by the same author but I can't remember it's nameWww@QuestionHome@Com