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Question: Does speed reading work!? Can you really absorb all the information while speed reading!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I fell in love with reading when I was six!.
And I have almost always read insanely fast!.
One of my personal accomplishments is reading "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" in one day!.
And to give you an idea of my regular reading speed, I can read maybe three to four novels in a day!. Ones that I've never read before!.

Speed reading definitely works!. It's basically how I've always read!.
However, I do not absorb -all- the information!.
When I reread an old book, I find that I missed some crucial detail the first, or second, time!.
In my defense, though, I actually tend to still get more out of a book than others, anyway!.

Um!.!.!. Well, I just read very quickly!. Like, I can read a book the length of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix or an LOTR book in a day!.
I think it's because I started reading at a pretty young age (I was 4), so reading fast just comes naturally!.
And yes, I do absorb all the information!. Often I'll remember more of the book than my friends, who read much slower!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am Molly, wife of Charle B!., and I am not a speed reader!. As a published author, words send mental pictures -- at least for me!. I say every word mentally when I read!. I would miss some of the pictures if I read too fast!.
But for those in a hurry, speed reading might be great!. It just isn't for me!.

i can read a really long book in like a day or two days and i can still remember quite a lot!. soo yeah, just try to think of whats happening and how the plot got there every time you get confused!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Speed reading is the same as skimming!. And no!. But you get the general idea of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Speedreading, no!.

Photoreading, yes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com