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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I am obsessed with elves. What are some good books featuring elves?

Question: I am obsessed with elves!. What are some good books featuring elves!?
I am talking about the elves similar to the ones in Lord of the Rings, Eragon, Hellboy!.!.!.not Santa Claus type elves!.!.!.

I want to read some books that feature the elves more indepth, maybe even where the main character is an elf!. Any suggestions!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Shannara series by Terry Brooks has lots of elves in them!. There's also gnomes, dwarves, magic, and all that great stuff!. Wonderful, amazing books! One of my favorites!Www@QuestionHome@Com

umm i dont really know anything about elves!. but you could christpher paolini:

1 eragon
2 eldest

i really enjoyed them :)
good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

Mercedes Lackey SERRAted Edge books have elves!. Terry Brooks Shannara books have lots of elves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Look at the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett!.
Elves feature in many,"Lords and Ladies",off the top of my head!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

mmmmmmmmm!.!.!.!.what about HARRY POTTER!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

All I can think of is ELdest =(Www@QuestionHome@Com

hw abt dragon rider!?Www@QuestionHome@Com