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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What is the publisher of the book laugh out loud?

Question: What is the publisher of the book laugh out loud!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

If you mean 'Laugh Out Loud' by Jean Ashmun Dunham, the publisher is escargot!. I can't find any further information about that publisher!.

If you mean the childrens' books of jokes and riddles by Erin Mauterer, it's Boyds Mills Press!.

If the author is Fiona Waters, the publisher is Macmillan Children's Books!.

And, since I don't feel like listing all of the other authors who have used that title, if it's another author altogether, I don't know!. I'll look it up for you if you edit your question with the author's name or some other identifying details!.Www@QuestionHome@Com