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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I'm interested in writing blogs ,,what the most famous website of blogs ??

Question: I'm interested in writing blogs ,,what the most famous website of blogs !?!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Boing Boing, is probably one of the longest running and most visited blog (http://boingboing!.net/ )!. If you want to look at WHAT blogs are doing, try technorati http://technorati!.com/ and click on 'blogs' in the top banner, they are THE site that blogger want to be listed on!. All the top ones are in it!.

It's a status symbol to be on their books, all feed-burners try to go through them!.

Take a look at my blogs (through my profile) to see how easy it is!. I'd never set one up before, and before I knew it, I was racing away!.

If you want to create a blog there are several platforms available, try blogger for a starter!. It's quite simple, just follow the instructions!.

Anthony James Barnett - authorWww@QuestionHome@Com

You mean blog handle!?
Blogger (blogspot)!.com
Xanga is okay but you can't RSS stuff there last time I checked!.
Typepad costs money
MySpace and Facebook have blog options too but I stay away from those sites!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Youtube (maybe)