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Question: Bible reading plan!?
Ok I need to start reading the Bible again!. I just have to!. It has been too long!. I want a reading plan that is easy to read!. I have a plan in each of my bibles but do not know which one would be best!.

Bible 1: NIV Student Bible
Every Book in the Bible!.
- Goes in order from Genesis to Revelation covering at leat 1 chapter from every book
- Apx time- 180 days

Every Word in the Bible
- Covers every page from Genesis to Revelation
- Apx time- 3 years

Bible 2: NIV- Freedom in Christ Bible
- Jumps around a lot
- Formulated by Neil T!. Anderson, author of "Bondage Breaker" and "Victory Over the Darkness"
- Apx time- 1 year

Bible 3: NLT- Every Man's Bible
- Covers a portion of a book of 4 seperate books a day varying throughout the Bible
- Covers the whole Bible
- Apx time- 1 yearWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
My personal favorite is the One Year Bible, it takes you through a little of the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs everyday!. It's easy to follow and takes around 15 minutes everyday, and it covers the whole Bible in about a year!. It also comes in several versions, so you can pick your favorite and get a new version each year!. Bible 3 on your list seems to be very similar so if you want something from your list I, personally, would go with that one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I suggest that you buy an audio bible (or download one) and listen to it instead of reading!.

For example http://www!.audio-bible!.com/bible/bible!.h!.!.!. has a bible that is 72 hours long!.

If I listened to that every single time I commuted, I'd be done in way less than 180 days!. Maybe even less than a month if I listened to it other times too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i like the 4th one i think id like to follow tht one!.!.!. i rly need to read the Bible!.!.!.im just not committed enuf!.!.!. i dont think i could stand reading job or numbers or deuteronomy well im only 14 so maybe when im older :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

you may want to try the soul food method


best of luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like felliax's idea of an audio version of the Bible!. You can even buy some that are dramatized and are quite effective!.

My Bible reading plan isn't a conventional plan!. I start with the Gospel of John, then I go back to Matthew and read through the entire New Testament first!. I find the Bible easier to understand when I begin with the NT first!.

Generally I like to read three or four chapters a day, depending on the length of the chapters!. Sometimes, though, I only read one!.

After I have read through the New Testament, I start on the Old Testament beginning with Genesis and working my way through!.

My preference is for the Amplified Bible, but some people seem to like the Message Bible because it's easier to understand!.

Another thing you could do is download the free Bible software called E-Sword at http://www!.e-sword!.net/ (which I have on my computer)!. This will allow you to read the Bible while on the computer, and it has many Bibles you can download into the software for free!. It also makes available free Christian books that can be read through the software and other things that may help with your reading!.Www@QuestionHome@Com