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Question: Twilight Release Party!?
How should I dress as Alice!? I am 13, so no red leather pants and a sequin top!. I have short dark brown hair (that's why I want to be Alice, I look like her), and I am 5'5!. What would Alice wear!?

I know this is in the wrong section, but I didn't get any answers in Fashion and Accessories!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
heres some links:
*****tops: mix n match with bottoms




*****bottoms: mix n match with tops




*****dresses:which ever one u like


anything else u want as far as accessories and shoes :)

hope i helped!
good luck and have funWww@QuestionHome@Com

wear something cute but a little gothic, like a doll!.!.!. a lovely cute dress with very dull colors in it!. not to polka dots please!.


try this link the designs are cool for alice!. you can base your style in these!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

um gray skinny jeans!.
that's the only thing i can think of!.
then something kinda tight fitting for a shirt!.
maybe a tank top with cardigan!.!.!?
nahhh that wouldn't look right!.
just a shirt you would see Alice in!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Something cute and girly!. Alice in the book loves all things trendy!. Wear a cute dress and add something edgy that a vampire would wear!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wear a cute polka-dotted dress!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

how can you look like alice shes a fictional char!!!! but if u think u do go ahead!. jasper roxxxxxx me sox!!Www@QuestionHome@Com