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Question: How to use this word!?
What context would i use the word "contararious"!?
As in, can you just give it to me in a sentence!? I know what it means!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Do you mean contrarious!? I think you're adding an extra "a" in there!.

Meaning unfavorable:
This flavor is rather contrarious!.

Meaning difficult to deal with:
I wouldn't try to ride that horse, he's very contrarious!

Hope this helped!.!.!. let me know if that's the right word!. I've never heard of the one you spelled and looked it up, only to find it doesn't exist in my dictionary!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Contrarious is a rather archaic word meaning perverse or difficult to deal with or adverse or unfavorable!.

In The Wife of Bath's Tale (of The Canterbury Tales) by Geoffrey Chaucer, the word is used in this sentence:

"The children of Mercury and of Venus,
Be in their working full contrarious!."

We might use contrary or obstinate or stubborn today!. The dog was contrarious and wouldn't drop the toy!.

I hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Tell me it's deffinition and I can give you a sentence!.
Ah, contrarious!. Okay, here you go:
Deffinition of Contrariuos is: Perverse; inimical
Perverse means - deliberately wrong; unreasonable
Therefore a sentence could be:
"The contrariuos child continue to scream and kick as she was carried to her room after misbehaving!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Contararious isn't a word, so I'm guessing you mean the word "contrarious"!. Lol!.

And if that's the case, a sentence would be:
"The father had difficulty taming his contrarious son who wouldn't stop running wildy around the house!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's not a word!. Someones just pulling your leg!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

here is my example "What the hell does contararious mean!?"Www@QuestionHome@Com