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Question: How about this for a plot!?
Ok, a guy goes to a new school and he sees this girl who's not really into the whole high school scene and she looks more mature than the others, and he's intrigued by her!. After much chasing, they fall in love!. But she always seems like she's hiding something and will never talk about her parents!. His parents were killed two years earlier in Rome and he got a glimpse of their killer!. He saw a woman escape through the window and has been trying to find her ever since!. He later finds out that she is killing people an organization tells her to becuase they know some information about her parents that would comprimise their whereabouts (because they're in hiding) and would release said information if she didn't do their bidding!. He then finds out that she is his parents killer, but overcomes it and helps her take down the company who is black mailing her and they live happily ever after!. How does that sound!? Any suggestive changes!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
ooooh interesting! though remember to make the company seem like it actually is a company!. think of ways in which it would be run- is there a building they work at!? is it in a secret place!? is there one super evil guy running it!? or is it a group (or family, like the mob or something) running it!?
you could maybe make the guy's parents criminals as well (not evil or anything, but they had to have done something to have gotten themselves killed right!?)
ps dont force a happy ending ok!? hate that beyond anything! let it flow naturally!. if it cant then maybe it could be slightly bitter sweet!? like the girl has to run away with her parents and they're not sure if they'll ever meet again (but there's always a possibility -hint hint- *coughs- sequel*)
but totally relate with atonement- life wasnt worth living for a day or so after reading that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't make the ending happy!. Go for a more ambiguous ending!. also, ALWAYS make it a struggle for him to accept that she had to kill his parents!. Although she is under orders, it's still his parents!. I don't think it should be at a high school setting, though!. It could still work, but!.!.!.!.!.it'll be cool if they were older and became lovers!. They meet!.!.!.at a high-class party or something!. His parents were rich (that's why they were in Rome) so he can afford to go to rich parties/throw 'em!. This would be a pretty good noir actually!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Interesting plot - I think it has great potential!.

But for me, there is one problem - a BIG problem, I'm afraid - I find it really hard to believe that the guy would overcome the fact that the girl is his parents' killer!. Somehow that just doesn't seem possible!.!.!.unless, of course, the guy hated his parents, and was grateful to her for disposing of them for him!

Good luck!.!.!.

Hafwen xWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think that he should help her talke down the company, but he off's her too!.
High School love rarely lasts!. This adventure would mature him and that should propel him to think as an adult and really see "his love"Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like it but it's a bit!.!.!. I don't know the word, but I would read it!. It's sound really interesting it just seems like there should be more to the story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, it's pretty good!. But don't get other peoples opinion!. If you like it, write it!. -ahauntingnearuWww@QuestionHome@Com

sounds really good let me read it!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

good plot i like it tell me when its done i wanna read itWww@QuestionHome@Com

that was so confusing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like it!. Really interesting and different!.
Do you find out a lot about this organisation!? WHY did the organisation kill his parents!? Are they after him because of it!?
If they are, maybe they send her to kill him, but she refuses!. He has helped her see she doesn't need to kill anymore!.
They kill her and she dies in his arms!.


Maybe he helps her get over killing, then slowly and gradually is drawn into a life of crime!. He joins the organisation when he finds out his parents death was an accident and they live happily ever after killing people!.


He falls in love with a different person, maybe one of the girl's friends or someone they both know!.
The girl finds out, and in a fit of rage kills this new person and then the boy!. She realises what she has done and kills herself!.

But hey, I'm only a fourteen year old girl!. My opinions are very!.!.!.immature!.
Sorry!. Best I could do!.


Perhaps he could be a lawyer!. He meets her when she is incarcerated for killing these people the organization has told her to!. That way, you could entirely take out the idea of her killing his parents!. They fall in love when he represents her case and she eventually confides in him and tells him that she is being blackmailed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good plot!. I would suggest something other than a high school setting, It would be easier to imagine a killer in a high class organization if she wasnt in high school!. I would also make the guy she falls in love with go into a state of revenge or hatred at first and then slowly find his way through it until he realizes he still loves her!. also make it a battle of wits that takes down the company!. Like really ingenious thats a lot more affective in books then a gory ending where they just blow up the company!.

Edit: Maybe if you dont want her to kill his parents, she could have been in the room during the killing, escaped through the window, they meet, she helps him find the murders, and I they are in that organization!. They join the organization to get the inside scoop and then work from the inside to slowly destroy them!. I hope this helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com