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Position:Home>Books & Authors> If Harry Potter's mother was a witch, how could Petunia Dursley be a mgugle?

Question: If Harry Potter's mother was a witch, how could Petunia Dursley be a mgugle!?
Since Petunia is Lily Potter's sister, and Lily was a witch, shouldn't Petunia be a witch also, and not look down on witches and wizards!?

I haven't read the books!. My husband is reading the 2nd one to our daughter and I've just caught bits and pieces, but even he and my daughter are wondering!. Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is really rare that muggles have withch or wizards but it does happen!. Lily realized she was a witch because she could do special thing (won't give too much away cuz I know this from the seventh book) and was qualified to go to Hogwarts and since Petunia showed no magical powers she was not allowed to attend Hogwarts!. Hermione's paretns were dentests but she had a special thing that was considered magic and she was allowed to attend Hogwarts!.
Hope I helpedWww@QuestionHome@Com

If you read the books, you would know-your husband and daughter should too, since they are reading the book!. Harry Potter's mother, Lily, is what the wizarding world would call a muggle-born ( witch or wizard with muggle (non-magic people) parents!. Harry's friend Hermione is also a muggle born!. Petunia is just a plain old muggle like her parents!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, Petunia should not be a witch!. Lily and Petunia's family was a Muggle one!. Lily was special in that she was chosen to go to Hogwarts!. Occasionally, like in the case of Hermione, a person from a Muggle family can be a witch/wizard, while the rest of the family is still Muggle, and that is why Lily is a witch and Petunia is not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sometimes a muggle family produces a witch or wizard!. That doesn't mean that every member of the family will be a witch or wizard!. You have to have a natural ability to do magic, and some people are born with it and others not!. Petunia didn't have what it takes!. she was always jealous of Lily's special abilities, but that is no excuse for her to take out her resentment on Harry!. Petunia is not a nice person!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Petunia looks down on the wizarding world because she thinks they're freaks!. I think that she was jealous of Lily and of what being a witch brought to her life, such as the excitement of going to Hogwarts instead of attending a regular school!. Meanwhile, she herself lives a humdrum life with her own husband and bratty kid!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well, there are such wizards and witches, who are muggle borns, because there are such traits in their genes which show up rarely, so lily's genes showed up these traits, whereas they did not show up in petunia!.oh and yeah i would also advise you to read the books, they are really good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lily was a muggle born!. its rare but hermonie is muggle born tooWww@QuestionHome@Com

you should read the book!.plz!.!. you will know why people are talking about the book so much!.!.read the seven books!.don't give up!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

oh man! read the books ; you'll get itWww@QuestionHome@Com