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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Please , Comments on my Sci-fic story breif outline. (Reli short)?

Question: Please , Comments on my Sci-fic story breif outline!. (Reli short)!?
Please, tell me how i can make it better!. What is bad, wat is good!.
This my english sci-fic story, 800word story!.

In the future(around 2500) 5000 people from Earth move to the moon to live!. They found it was perfect, until they are slowly being killed and eating by a MOON MONSTER, who lived on the moon!.

He slowlys kills the human, and the human manage to report this to Earth and therefore they never live on the moon again!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's okay!? I dunno, what do the humans do to try and defeat the moon monster!?

I'm guessing it's called 'Man on the Moon' or something cheesy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com