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Question: Trying to find 2 specific scifi books!.!.!.!?
I have been trying to look for two books I read many years ago whose authors and titles I cannot for the life of me remember!.

The first is about a bunch of teenagers who were born on a spaceship and whose mission is to find a new planet on which to begin new lives as humans!. The main character's name is Zohoret or something like that!. The spaceship is a 'person' and it talks to the teens who were all born at the same time and are the same age!. (Perhaps entitled "Earthsphere"!?!?)

The second is about a girl (I think) who was in a car crash and had to be infused with chimpanzee DNA or parts or something like that and she wakes up from a coma in a hospital!. I read this one much longer ago and I want to reread it because I didn't particularly pay attention the first time!.

Thank you for any help you can give me!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Wow! I am so excited that I know the answer to one of these because science fiction really isn't my thing (although I love Stanslaw Lem's work)!.

I can answer the first question - it's Earthsearch by James Follett!. I know this because there is was a great BBC Radio 4 adaptation of it which can be downloaded from emule (probably torrents too)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com