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Question: Need help finding a book!.!?
My friend showed me this book last year, I didn't catch the title though!. But it was about a boy who plays chess(I beleive it was 3d chess), and he has to beat this guy to save his parents!.

also, I beleive it's a trilogy, one of the book covers are red, the other is blue, and the other is yellow I believe!.

Please and Thank You!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
lord loss by darren shan!?!? kinda different

Grubbs grady's parents and sister are murdered bt demons and he goes to live with his uncle 'dervish grady' we later learn that the gradys have a family curse that sometimes turns teenagers in the family into werewolves!. the only way to save the cursed child is by going head to head with a powerful demon master 'lord loss' in chess!. You have o simultaniously play five games with him at once whilst your partner fffights two of lord loss's demon minions!. If either of you loose both of you and the cursed child will die!. If you win the chess game then you have to go to the relm of the demons and battle lord loss one on one there and the child is cured!.!. if you win that then you're all free!. Grubbs has to play lord loss to save his half brother bill-e!.

i think this sounds about right because although there are alot more than seven books in this series the first lord loss is red, the second one is green, the third is yellow, the fourth blue, the fith is kinda orange and the latest one os purple!.

even if this is not right, the series is still amazing and you should read them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

serch it up on google,amzon or something!.in keyword and it should come up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com