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Question: About writing!.!.!.!?
When I was a few years younger, I used to write vigorously - mostly about, you know, going to the moon and crazy little storylines!. I developed such a wonderful writing experience and skill from that!. Ever since I entered middle school, it's been difficult to find time to write, so I stopped!.

I'm entering high school now, and I want to start again!.!.!.I just don't know exactly where to start!. You know!? I mean, I love writing, but I feel so!.!.!.lost a bit!. I want to write something that'll make me happy, like the stories I wrote when I was younger - but I'm too mature to write about going to the moon and stuff now!. I would try to write about my life but it sure isn't that interesting so far!. Any suggestions!? Have you ever dealt with this!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I did the exact same thing! I even got awards for the best stories!. I wrote about little evil eggs with sporks, and milk, and crackers, and everything! They were hilarious!
You know, Terry Pratchet writes about weird and childish stuff(kind of)!. His Discworld sits on top of four elephants who stand on a giant turtle!. His books are hilarious because there's none other like them!. Writers are afraid to let them mind loose like him!. In my opinion, writers should stop tyring to please readers with things they don't know about, and write what's in their mind and with their imagination!.
And for you, I suggest to just write about whatever you want first!. You've probably never actually written an acual intended novel, so for your first one, write about whatever you want!. Chances are that you'll toss it, but you'll learn so much from it!. More than likely, you'll also develope a plot for another story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What kind of books do you like to read!? Start there!. If you like fantasy books, write a fantasy!. If you like historical fiction, write one about your favorite time period!.

Think of something that you would like to happen to you!. Your real life may be pretty boring (mine is), but I'm sure you can think of ways you'd like for it to change!. (If, for example, I were to get kidnapped by a secret underground resistance society who were fighting an elusive enemy who were secretly taking over the world, my life would suddenly cease to be boring!.!.!.!.) You see what I mean!?

Good luck with it! Writing is so fun - even if you only do it for your own enjoyment!. You should definitely keep at it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am in the same situation!. I used to write all the time when I was a little kid/preteen, but then when I reached middle school, I just didn't have the time!. In September I'm entering 10th grade (so I won't have a ton of time to write) but this summer I've been writing more!.

Write what about what you know, and more creative ideas will come soon!. Even if your life isn't particularly interesting, it will get the creative juices flowing for more unique story plots!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is the part that always confuses me: shouldn't the need to say something come first!? How can it be, "I want to write," before you feel "I have something to say, and there is no one who could say it exactly the way I could"!? If you don't know what to write, why write!? And once you do know, then you have no problem any more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Write whatever comes to mind!.

And who says you;re too mature to write that kind of thing!? SOMEONE has to write picture books!

Inspiration can be found within the smallest of things!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

What do you like to read!? Do you prefer a certain genre!? If so, you might want to try writing in that vein; however, do try to make your writing original!. From reading the questions and postings here on Answers, I think that too many prospective writers lack originality which surely publishers will desire (if publishing is your eventual goal)!. In the meantime, try just writing, exploring the ideas in your head without any particular goal in mind!. I think that you will discover a concept which will inspire you to write it!. At that point, the accepted process is to produce an outline of your plot, establish developed characters, decide how your story will climax!. Then sit at your computer and write it! Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com