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Question: Is Anyone Else Disappointed in Stephanie Meyer!?
First off, I'm an avid reader!. My favorite authors go from Terry Brooks to J!.D!. Salinger!. I'm open to new genres and new authors!. I enjoyed Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse and was ecstatic to see what happened!. I even mentioned Stephanie Meyer on my list of authors I respected!. That soon changed!. I read The Host, which just recently came out, and I did not favor it whatsoever!. While I admired the concept and meaning, I did not like the reading I had to do to get TO that!. Melanie was too pathetic and she kept getting hurt!. Why does everyone have to play the "oh so weak" character!? It gets tiresome just seeing her endeavor countless situations that was annoying to read!. Then there was one line, such as "he stood in the door like a rhineocerious"!. What!?

Then, on her website which I checked weekly, was this "playlist"!. I draw inspiration from music, but she went beyond and had a concert!? You've got to be kidding me!. Now there was this "Prom" thing!?

It's getting quite ridiculous!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I totally agree!. I am disappointed that she would offer a character as a role model who is such a weak, spineless jellyfish and a doormat!. And a guy who is a selfish narcissistic future spousal abuser who would actually disable a girl's car to prevent her from seeing the people she wants to see!. That is akin to kidnapping!. If this is how she sees the youth of America today, it is a very sick and sad picture indeed!. But I think my favorite is her reference equating heroin with love!. There is nothing hot and sexy about heroin!. It is a deadly killer!. And she claims to be such a religious person!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

I couldn't agree more!
I don't understand why she's getting so much hype!. Her basic plots are okay, but they take too long to get to the point!.!.!. It seems to be mostly fluff!.
Silly me, thinking society had grown beyond the knight in shining armor (or, shining skin, in Twilight's case!.!.!.!.) and misogynistic themes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I liked The Host, but I have to admit that most of the Twilight series was abhorrent to me!.
And yes, that concert is ridiculous!. It makes absolutely no sense!.

EDIT: With all due respect (not being sarcastic when I say that), please stop criticizing Stephenie's religion!. I'm Mormon, just like she is, and I *know* that our church is true!. When she says that her religion affects everything she writes, she's telling the truth!. Look at the facts:
-It's a fantasy/reality book!. She *knows* that vampires aren't real!. Everyone (well, most people) know that!.
-She only indicated sex because it's (let's face it) an omnipresent part of teen relationships *shudder*!. She never said that she approved of it; she just wanted to show that people are jumping into things too hastily!. I agree!. People need to learn to wait for marriage!.
-She's never seen an R-rated movie!. She saved herself for marriage!. She doesn't drink!. She doesn't have tattooes plastered down her arms!. She's a *clean* person!. That's one of the many beautiful things about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints--it, in addition to being the only true church, saves us from addictions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah!.!.!.I was dissapointed!. I actually like all four of her books, but none of them live up to the hype!.


I was disappointed when she first wrote Twilight!. But I agree with you!. She's only fueling the obsession so many tweens have for the book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I actually like and respect her very muh!. But I haven't read the Host so I know nothing in that category!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i haven't read the host but i think that the twilight series is really goodWww@QuestionHome@Com

I only read Twlight and thought is was lame, I won't read any more of her books!. I can't figure out why these books are getting so much hype they all see pretty much the same from the reviews and other peoples opinions I have read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mhmm!.!. she's like, the most full-of-self author out there!. She's doing it all for the publicity!.

Edit: Have you ever googled "Twilight!?" You get over 69 800 000 hits!.!.!. that is a lot of people discussing Twilight, holy crap!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love the twilight series and I have a lot of respect and admiration for Stephenie Meyer, but I totally agree!. And I hate how people CONSTANTLY say she's the next J!.K!. Rowling!. SHES NOT PEOPLE! Now I love the stories but I can't stand the clingy, I need a guy to survive, obsessive, controlling love!. It's sickening after a while but I still love the series and will get the fourth book the day it comes out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think The Host was better than any of the Twilight Saga, so I have to disagree on that point!. I think that Bella is much weaker than Melanie!. I think that all of Meyer's protagonists are just facets of herself, so they all share a couple of main characteristics!. I also don't think that Stephenie Meyer is really responsible for all of the hype, I'm almost absolutely positive it's her publishers!.

Meyer has disassociated herself with the fandom in the past couple of years!. The squealy, whiney girls who are fans of Twilight have made it a bigger deal than it really is (and I think it is a very good book, but really, it's ridiculous), and Little, Brown sees a huge moneymaking endeavor and take advantage of it!.

Meyer used to be really in touch with her fans!. I started reading when it had just come out and she would have these awesome really in depth discussions and signings where there were only like fifteen or twenty people!. Now it seems that she herself is a bit disappointed in her fans!. She doesn't personally update her website any more, she doesn't take fan mail, etc!. She goes where her agent tells her to go and speaks where she's supposed to speak!.

I'm not disappointed in Stephenie Meyer, but I'm disappointed in the fans!. I'm glad that she's successful, but the amount of publicity her publishers are drawing onto her is ridiculous!.Www@QuestionHome@Com