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Question: Harry Potter fans only!.!.!?
In the Harry Potter novels, why didnt harry just shoot voldemort in the head and get it over and done with!? That way there would only be 1 book not 7 and not so many lives would have been sacrificed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. The author wanted more money by selling six other books and making 8 movies(book 7 will be 2 movies)

2!. Harry had to show everyone he was a great wizard!.

3!. Voldemort probably had a gun protection around him!.

4!. People wouldn't have respected J!.K!. Rowling with that dumb ending!.

5!. It's a muggle invention so people in the wizards community would've not respected Harry!.

6!. He had to destroy the horcruxes!!! He can't do that without a gun!.

I see your point though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The gun is a "muggle" invention, and most wizards find them useless!. they prefer to do things their way with wands and magic!. if harry wud have just pulled a gun, he wudnt have been respected, and to kill voldemort, its just not about killing HIM, harry needed to find the hocruxes, to destroy him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If he had done that he would have only destroyed V's physical body, as the lest time he was "killed!." Since V's soul was split into the horcruxes all of those must be destroyed first!. It's really all very clear in the books!. I'm surprised you didn't pick up on that when you read them!. You DID read them, right!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Gun's are bad mmk!.

Since it is a "muggle" invention, the wizarding community sees it as useless and disgusting!.

Harry would not use a gun, and neither would the rest of the wizards!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

girl you cant just shoot voldemort in the head!
he wouldnt have just died likethat
harry had to find and the destroy all of the horcruxes
in order for voldemort or he had to sacrifice his own lifeWww@QuestionHome@Com

hii well ,voldemort had split his soul into 7 right, so how many times did harry stand a chance to kill him ,anyways he was supposed to be the strongest wizard after dumbledore ,so would he get killed by guns!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Voldemort would not be killed by a bullet, (you have actually read the books right!?)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think there would be plenty of charms to stop a bullet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont think the author was stupid enough to end a great book with such a dumb ending

why would you want to end it!? it keeps getting betterWww@QuestionHome@Com