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Position:Home>Books & Authors> If I order Breaking Dawn from Amazon, will they deliver to my house?

Question: If I order Breaking Dawn from Amazon, will they deliver to my house!?
I will be away from my house, and my parents will be away!. I have a soccer tournament that weekend and my parents are going to a concert, far away from where I'll be!. If I order from Amazon, can they deliver to my house !? Even if it takes a few days!? I am so confused !!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I′m order Breaking Dawn from Amazon too!.

If you put your home address where they asked where you wanted it delivered, it will be delivered there then!.

If you′re going to be away, I′m not sure if the mail man will leave it there since it′s a bit big!.

But, I believe they will!.

I′ve order DVDs from Amazon and they always leave it in my mail box!.

If you haven′t ordered yet and you know you are going to be away then change the delivery address to someone in your family or someone you trust with your things!.

Since the book hasn′t come out yet and you already ordered, I think you still have a chance to change the address, if not talk to customer care for Amazon or to the company that is mailing you the book!. It should say it on your purchuse history!.

There is still time!.

Good luck on your soccer tournament! And enjoy Breaking Dawn!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi!. Yeah I ordered Breaking Dawn from Amazon too!. Yep, they'll deliver it to your home!. That day I ordered The Host and when they sent it, I was away!. It would be at your mailbox when you return it I promise you!.

But I guess the only bad thing is, you could just get it in the bookstore at the exact date it comes out, but if you order from Amazon, like if you choose the expensive shipping or something it would be sent at that date, but if you're a cheapo (like me), it would be sent to you in like 2 weeks!.

So other people would have already read it if they bought it at Borders or somehting!.!.!. And you paid more and you're getting it later!.

But, your choice (: I think I sorta regret ordering mine now!.
Oh well!. Hope this helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i ordered eclipse from amazon last year and they delivered it to my door the day after it came out!.!.!.!.i'm going to get breaking dawn at barnes and noble at the party so i can stay up all night and read itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Now come on!. Do you think anyone here can really answer that for you - or would it be better for you to call the help line at Amazon and ask them directly!. Common sense would tell me that Amazon is the place to ask!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

Contact Amazon, look around!. Amazon will deliver to the provided shipping address!.

I doubt anybody on Y!A knows when your book will come!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think they would!

I LOVE EDWARD CULLEN!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com