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Question: Reading too many books!?
I'm 14 and consider myself somewhat intelligent!. As of now I am reading three books, Zen and the art of!.!.!., Consolations of Philosophy and my own study on the Qur'ran!. All books pose the challenge that need to be read carefully, and thought of in depth!. Consolations of Philosophy is definitely not an easy read, but taken at a slow pace it doesn't seem to out of range!. What are your opinions!? Do you think I should put down a book or two and pick it up when I finish the other!? Although i take chinese, play aau baseball and do football preseason training this summer, I always find about 2 hours in the day to devote to readingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
As far as books go, don't every worry about "reading too much!." Personally, I like to read just one book at a time, but if studying multiple works at the same time suits you, then do it!. Doing all this intellectual labor now will certainly reap great benefits in the long run!. However, if you're feeling overwhelmed, don't be afraid to slow down or take a break to clear your senses!.

I'm fifteen and I read about as much as you do!. I'm fluent in Spanish and now I'm learning German!. I start varsity football!. I also play guitar--so I definitely can relate to you in the sense that you like to have a wide variety of challenging hobbies to occupy your time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's great that you're reading, I don't think enough kids enjoy reading anymore!.

I never read more than one book at a time!. Part of the joy of reading is being absorbed into it and becoming part of it, and I find it very hard to be fully absorbed into more than one book at a time!.

What you're reading sounds pretty heavy-going too, so you might get a bit of information overload if you're reading too many intense books at a time!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm always reading at least 3 or four books at a time!. Usually if I'm reading books that require a lot of thought or time I throw in a casual book too!. I call them smut books!. Not neccessarily books about bad things but books that are easy reads and are purely for entertainment value!. Meaning, I'm probably not going to take away anything valuable from the book!. You know yourself best if you can handle the challenge then I don't see why you shouldn't do it!.

PS - Zen and the Art of Mortorcycle Maintenance is a great book!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think your just bragging!. reading is good for you don't ever just stop because you think it's tooo much!. one summer i went to the library everyday and took out all sorts of books it was one of the best and accomplished summers of my life!. it is great that your opening your mind to all sorts of knowledge in this digital age it is hard to turn off the ipod or the TV and to open a book!. books are keys to doors long forgotten, keep reading and the pages will lead you to immortality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there is never a such thing as reading too many books

keep reading, you never know when you can get inspiration from a book

i tried reading the Qur'ran too to get closer to my religion!.!.it was a bit confusing but in time i guess i will understand!.!.!.in my school we study the bible and thats good too

some times i read 4 books at a time and all the books i own have been read at leat 3 times = ]Www@QuestionHome@Com

I always like to read one book at a time! but it think its great that you can read so well and enjoy it! Maybe try reading one book at a time and if you dont like doing that go back to your old way what every you enjoy is the best way to go! :) Keep Reading!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Read the Bible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont know any teen who reads
i guess good for youWww@QuestionHome@Com

There is no such thing as reading too many books!.

Reading three books at a time is not a bad thing, and it probably really isn't terribly uncommon for a person to do!. My personal preference is to read one book at a time - I read one book all the way through and then pick up the next one!. But that way of reading is just my method and my preference!. My way of reading isn't right or wrong, and neither is your way of reading!. If you enjoy having more than one book started at a time, and if you can handle it, then there is nothing wrong with it!. However, if ever you feel that having three heavy or difficult books started at once reduces your joy in reading them, then that is when you want to set one or two aside and read less of the books at a time!. But if you can handle the three books and enjoy reading them all, then by all means keep at it!.

Good for you for reading the books that you have chosen, and good for you for putting time aside each day to read!. That's a great habit to keep!.!.!.

Best wishes!Www@QuestionHome@Com