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Question: So sick of Twlight!?!!!?
This is getting way out of control people!. It was okay when Harry Potter was all crazy but Twlight is getting out of control!. I read Twlight when it first came out and I put it down and forgot about it!.!. Why is it so great!? I know Edward Cullen is hott blah blah blah but seriously sometimes i think people need to get a compass and get back to reality!.!.

I know this is a little harsh but Twlight is a little out of control much!?

Please no rude comments i want to hear what you think :)

~* WeasleyISmyKING*~Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yes, it is soo out of control!. i can understand why people obsessed about HP!. Everyone who obsesses about Twilight are lovestruck teenagers who just want to fit in!. i read twilight!. i liked it!. but you don't see me with a screenname that says "Mrs!. Edward Cullen"Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hope this isnt rude but!.!.!.why are you even worried about the readers!?I mean no reason to stress about it its just a thing itll be over in a while, probly like the people in the past in love with romeo and juliet the play!.!.!.its not as as serious as you make it seem i tihnk you should just relax and worry about you, the twilight readers are happy and sso what a little crazy!.!.!.were not doing anything to you are we!?its just like saying "isnt the whole romeo and juliet thing getting out of control!?"
oh and kitty star, i tohught the first book sucked alot and was boring intill what near the end!?Newmoon is the best book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sick of it isn't the word!. I passed being sick of it weeks ago!.

If they were good books - even decent books - I wouldn't mind a million questions about them!. But these books suck and that is my opinion - rude or not!. Bella is the posterchild for misfit highschool kids everywhere!.

And the questions are repeated - some of them as much as 25 thousand times! And that doesn't count the movie questions which don't belong in books and authors, the song questions that don't belong in books and authors and the "what should I wear to the party!?" which don't belong in books and authors!. Who cares what you wear to a party!? This is a forum about BOOKS AND AUTHORS!. Your clothes really don't fall into that category!.

It just gets annoying!. Most of it belongs in fansites, but I have a feeling most of the kids here have already been kicked out of fansites so this is the only place they have to go!. It sure seems to me that if they could chat freely in fansites without Yahoo Guidelines, there would be no reason to be here!. All it does is fuel the fire and make people angrier!.

And who is hurting the most!? The person who asks questions about other books - who is trying to understand books for school!. Questions about other books go unanswered by the hundreds!. And that is just not fair because that is what Books and Authors is for!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

I agree that it is indeed an egregious example of something that has gone out of control here at YA !. Even if the books were "great" , another forum would best suit the believers !.
My opinion !.
Post-edit ; The only positive aspect from this obsession is that the books apparently have the power to inspire readers to try their skills at writing themselves !.

I just can't get into it!.
I've been trying to read it for two months and I can't get past the first chapter!.
My husband read it out of pure boredom and got pissed offf and refuses to read anymore!. [SPOILER ALERT] He said that after he found out that Edward "sparkles", he was done!. So, I know like the biggest secret in Twilight now!. lol!.
So, I'm not sure if it's worth reading!. It seems to be a decent book!. I haven't heard anyone call it awful, but yeah!. It seems to be getting out of control!. Personally, I thought Draco was always hot in the HP books!. But I never put, Mrs!. Malfoy on my myspace or anything!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you read it when it first came out then I can understand why it might be annoying to you!. I just started reading them at the end on June and now I'm obsessed!. I sure it will die down for me in a month or two until the movie comes out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I honestly don't think it is getting out of control at all! It is setting Stephenie Meyer's amazing career off!.I think she will be so much bigger than J!.K!. Rowling( no comparison)! She is an fantastic writer and I don't know how you can just forget about it !.!.!.i'm like obsessed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree, it is getting out of hand :)

I like the book and all, but I dont obsess about it :)

I like HP and Twilight the same :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, but Stephenie Meyer is an amazing author and it isn't getting that much outta hand!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it is kind of getting out of control!. but there such amazing books!.
me and my friends are like twilights #1 fans!. we are soo opsessedWww@QuestionHome@Com

My guess is that the hype will die down after the fourth book comes out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, it is!.

That goes for haters as well as fans!.
