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Question: What is the best writing system or technique!?
In general, I know I should do what's best for me, but I'm curious as to how other people write!.

Do you always go first line to last!? Do you ever write a sentence and try to build an entire story around it!? And piece parts together even if they aren't related!.!.!.

Have you ever written a story from the ending to the beginning!?

And do you think it's better to just write out an entire story as far as you can go without censoring or editing, and just edit afterward from the top!. Or do you like to cleanup all the mistakes you make, as you make them!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The way that suits me best is going on to Microsoft word, write a full brief summary as if I were giving another person a plot to a story, and then creating chapters and outlines around that!. When I begin to write I get a few ideas that I have to plug in, but I'll write them down first and continue writing each chapter!. I figure I could get a rough down before doing a full fix-up!. That way you know where you're going exactly!.

And I write from beginning to end- but I have certain bits of dialogue or scenes in my mind way before I begin writing the first chapter, everything tends to be built around a few scenes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Usually, inspiration just pops into my head and I write my idea down as fast as I can!. Sometimes I act on it, other times I don't complete it!.
I've never gone first line to last, but that's just me!.
I've never based a story off of a sentence but that's a good idea!.
Yes, I've written a book backwards!. Sometimes, I know the ending first and build off of that!.
I have OCD, so I edit often!. But again, that's just me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, i don't so much know whether or not this is a technique but i normally get my story ideas from dreams!. I have a dream one night and the next morning if i still remember it i'll write it down!. Then i'll try to make sense of it, build on it, and see if it can become something more!. Sometimes i'll have dreams that wake me up so excited at how good an idea it was that i'll immediately write down the entire thing, but after i finish writing out the dream, the spark that got me so excited disappears and i just drop the idea!. Unfortunately that's been happening alot lately!.
I don't really think that anyone can give you a writing technique, mostly you create it on your own and its unique!.Www@QuestionHome@Com