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Question: Young Goodman Brown!?
What is the significance of his name!?
I understand the meaning of "young" and "goodman" but what can be "brown" (to be more specific)


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Brown is ordinary!. He represents everyman!. This could have happened to anyone!. He is nondescript - not noticed!. Just a regular Joe!. The term Goodman was the equivalent of Mr!. at the time!. It referred to a man who attended church and followed its tenets!. Young is what he was!. Young and newly married!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

ooooh such a good story!.!.!.!.Gotta love Hawthorn!. Brown is not only his last name but it represents dull, boring just another "average" guy!. He's young which tends to lead to naivety which is why he is easily fooled by the Devil!.Www@QuestionHome@Com