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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Is "The Host" by Stephenie Meyer any good and what's it about?

Question: Is "The Host" by Stephenie Meyer any good and what's it about!?
no spoliers please! just a brief summaryWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ahh!.!.!. hated it!.
It probably gets better at the end, but its so slow, I just couldnt get through it!.
I'm going to force myself to read the rest later in the summer!.

Its about Wanderer, a host, inside Melanie Stryder's body!. The humans are supposed to just give up their bodies to the hosts, but Melanie fights back && its like two people living inside one person!. Sounds interesting, but it was SO boring for me!. There's a guy too, Jared!. But trust me, he's no Edward!.!.!.
Oh, and hosts are pretty much aliens that take over humans bodies!.

Here's info, more specifics!. Theres definately spoilers, but I'll post a section of whats on the site that doesnt really give anything away!. It gives away a little bit more than the book jacket, but mostly bc!. its specific, not any major plot lines!.
--- here's the section:
Melanie Stryder is one of few "wild" humans - rebels who avoid the alien souls that have taken over the Earth!. With her younger brother Jamie and the man she loves, Jared Howe, Mel is on the run from Seekers - souls whose Calling is to hunt down host bodies for use!. When she is finally captured, Mel is certain that it is the end!.

Souls are creatures that rely upon host bodies to survive!. Inserted into the back of the neck of their host bodies, the soul extends antennae throughout the body, erasing the mental presence of the being there before and establishing a claim over the body and mind!.

Earth is Wanderer's ninth planet, and Mel is her ninth host body!. Woken from her cryogenic sleep and given a new body, she is warned that the human body would be like no other creature she had inhabited before, for humans experience much more passionate and vivid emotion than other beings!. Shocked not only by the vividity of the emotions, the memories, and her new senses, Wanderer quickly learns that Melanie Stryder is not willing to give up her mind!.

I wouldnt go out and buy it, waste of twenty bucks!.
It was just reeaaallllyyy slow!.

Read This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen!. Better than The Host!.
Teen fiction!.

&& also The Truth About Forever, and Just listen by Sarah Dessen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Personally I really enjoyed reading "The host"!. It takes a while to get into it, but its worth it!.

Its about an alien take over of earth, but its not what it sounds like!. An alien species called "souls" inhabit human bodies and take over the earth from inside of humans, therefore taking humans by surprise, but some people are ready!. They know about it and try to prepare themselves!.

Melanie Stryder is one of those people who is aware of the alien take over!. When she is caught and a soul is inserted into her body she resists!.

The first part of the books is basically her battle with the soul inside of her head!. The book gets a lot more interesting after the first 23 or so chapters!.

I know it seems like a lot of reading, but it is necessary and very worth it in the end!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's amazing! So much better than her "Twilight" series!. It starts off a little slow but the pace quickens and it is just an amazing piece of literature!. It's about Earth being taken over by alien "souls" and it's about the humans that are left building up a resistance movemant against the souls!. I know it sounds really weird but it's not I promise!. It's slightly sci-fi but it's still very good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i thought it was good!.!.but it started off slow!.you just have to pull through :D

aliens come and take over earth!.!.!.they need host bodies to survive!. its about one alien inside her new host body!.!.her host refuses to fade away!.!.

its good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oopsie, looks like someone didn't follow community guidelines!!


no dont read it its horrible really it so boring dont waste you timeWww@QuestionHome@Com