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Question: Twilight scale from one to ten!?!?
on a scale from 1 to 10 what would u give twilight!?
i'd give it a 7Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would give it a 9!.5 the only reason i wouldn't give it a full 10 is because Edward is so controlling


(Sorry if I offend you if you're on team Edward)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd give it a 9, it is good, but I don't give it a ten because Jacob annoys the heck outta me (no offense for team jacob)!. But I haven't been attached to a certain book for such a long time, and I enjoyed it a lot!. But I like it because it shows love for two people, and even if they live in separate worlds, they can be together!.
And I agree with Magda, if someone doesn't like someone's answer just because they have a different opinion on the book, that is no reason to give them a thumbs down!. This is an opinion question, not a right or wrong answer question!. There are no wrong answers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As much as I don't like it, I'll give it a three!. It actually really helped teach me about how NOT to write a book!. I learned how laughable bad writing can be, to make sure the heroine isn't an annoying, whiney, doormat, to make the "hero" not sparkle, to make the parents not idiots who don't realize a boy is going into their house/abandon their child for a younger guy, to make the "popular and most beautiful people alive" not sickly-skinny/extremely buff, to have dialogue that doesn't sound like a soap opera, to not have cool cars, to have the lovebirds be the same age (or, at least, have Bella be 18 so it's legal)!. I could go on for a long time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As a romance I give it a -2!. There is nothing romantic about this book!.

For its cheesiness I give it an 8

For characters I give it a -5

Score total= 1

I found the characters too annoying to be likable!. Even most of the fans hated Bella!. And I found the story to be bad and not at all amusing!. Over all the book was bad in my opinion!. Although I did find its complete and utter cheesiness to be very amusing!.

I found too many things wrong with the books to enjoy them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Writing-- I'll give the writing a 4!. Compared to some authors, Stephenie Meyer is just awful!. But it takes dedication to write a novel, so I'll give her props on that!.

Characters-- I'll give them a 4 too!. Jacob Black gets a 100000000 in my book, but the rest of the characters irritate me!. Bella is a whiny, dramatic, lying, backstabbing damsel in distress!. Edward is a lying, pretentious, arrogant, possessive, control freak!. Alice is much too girly and preppy!. Rose and Emmett are pretty cool!. Carlisle is cool!. Esme is completely USELESS (she honestly does nothing to help the plot along!. She's a waste of paper)!. Sam is cool, Leah is cool, and the rest of the wolves play too minimal a part!. Stephenie Meyer could have used her characters more efficiently!.

One!. And that's because there IS no plot other than "We're in love! Yay!"!.

Message of the book--
Negative 1000!. The series is more or less devoid of morals!.

On the other hand, the series is really addictive!. I can't not read the fourth book-- I have to know what happens!. The series irritates me to death, but I can't stop reading them!.

Hmmm so overall!.!.!. I'd say a 4!. I'm generous ;)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They're all a good read, but not anything special, really!.

EDIT: Okay, I don't know if the thumb-downs are from haters for saying it's a good read or from fans for saying it isn't anything special, but either way, I personally think it's immature to thumb an answer down just because you don't agree with it!.


I'd say a 6!.
It was a good summer read, I'll get Meyers that!.
But the message was terrible and the characters and events were flat and boring and unbelievable and the writing style was far too amateurish for all the hype it's made!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

on a scale of 1 to 10, id give it an 11+
it goes off the charts!. its amazing!. i love it!. i get caught up in the characters and the events and everything is just so incredible!Www@QuestionHome@Com

oh!.!.gee!.!.!.I don't know!.!.maybe like a
twilight is amazing!. i love twilight!. i don't care what the haters say!. i do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Zero!. They are about a doormat misfit of a girl who hooks up with an abusive misfit of a boy !.!.!. who just happens to be a sparkly vampire!. Stinkers!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

no number can show how much i love twilight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but according to your scale!.!.!.10 and beyond!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

10 because its amazing!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I also give it a zero lame and overatedWww@QuestionHome@Com

I give it a 0!.


10 all the way!!! :]Www@QuestionHome@Com



1!. it was awfulWww@QuestionHome@Com

id give it a 5Www@QuestionHome@Com

i give the whole series a 2Www@QuestionHome@Com

It held my interest, but I've read better (and worse)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's off the charts!.!.!.nothing can compare to Twilight!.!.it will hold a place in my heart eternally no matter what happens in 'Breaking Dawn'!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

