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Question: Bella's choice in Breaking dawn!?
I know you can't answer who she will choose by fact but by opinion and personal conclusions should get me through the next couple of weeks!. btw i'm team edward, and have always been utterly disgusted by Jacob ever since Twilight!. Here is what I think: From the quotes on the breaking dawn poster, I was always so sure that she was talking to Edward!. but then I read it over again and became sick with fear that it was Jacob she was talking to! i calmed myself down enough with this conclusion!.!.!. it had to be edward because the "he" said forever!.!.!. only edward and bella could be together forever!. jacob will die some day, not soon enough but some day! no matter how stubborn he is he would die! so who do you think she will choose!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i'm positive she'll pick edward!. and anyways she kinda already picked him in eclipse!. remember it's the vampire love saga, not wolf love saga!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

'Don't be afraid,' I murmured!.
'We belong together!.'
I was abruptly overwhelmed by the truth of my own words!.
The moment was so perfect, so right!.
There was no way to doubt it!.
His arms wrapped around me,
holding me against him!.!.!.
It felt like every nerve in my body was a live wire!.
'Forever,' he agreed!.

I think it's Edward because Jacob never makes her feel like all her nerves are a!.!.!.live wire!. And the forever part too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think Bella will chose Edward because Jacob is more like a friend to her!.Like someone that looks out for her!.She and Edward have so many things they have gone through so she will probably pick Edward!.She was even willing to become a vampire for him!.Besides in the sneak pick in Eclipse it showed that they were going to get married!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

oh man i really really hope she chooses Edward!!!!!! i might cry if she chooses jacob!. i just can't stand that boy!. I wish he would have just left her alone in eclipse instead of making her realize she had feelings for him! i love these books and am so excited for breaking dawn! ya! go edward!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe it's Edward!. It better be edward! Or I'm going to have a long talk with stephenie meyer!. But in the end of new
moon Edward said forever when they were talking about being together!. He's the one that always says forever when they talk about that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have this feeling deep in my gut that she could pick Jacob instead! :(:(:(

I was also disgusted with him! He is a wolf for crying out loud! Bella wants a vampire!.!.!.not a smelly dog!

I was feeling woozy after reading that also!. I really hope she will be picking Edward!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ah, but you all missed the part where when Jacob kissed her, she saw her future children running off into the forest!!!

I think she will choose life, won't choose either and move away and start over!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I am pretty sure she will end up with Edward!. Because if she ends up with Jacob, he may Imprint on another girl!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No doubt bout it EDWARD!.
IF I was her id take edward before tanya did ! lol
N MOREWww@QuestionHome@Com

Jacob had better not die! He's the best thing about it! Edward is such a creep, why would anyone choose him!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Haven't you ever heard a couple say, "We'll be together forever"!? They don't mean it literally; sometimes people say that without meaning it literally!. Edward can literally promise forever; Jake can metaphorically promise it!.

I want that paragraph to be with Jake!. I want Bella to end up with Jake!. I hate Edward and I hate vampires-- I don't want her to become a vamp and stay with Eddie!. But I'm pretty sure the paragraph is with Edward; Bella made her choice in Eclipse, and she's going to stick to it (IMO)!. She chose Edward!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe it will be Edward, and, truth be told, I didn't think there was much of a choice!. [by the way, I choose to ignore anything about the actual book until I get a copy of it to read!. I want to be completely suprised] Jacob is about as perfect as a guy can get, but he's not Edward!. I feel so bad for Jacob, because he really doesn't have much of a choice in this!. It's never actually been said, but it's fairly obvious he's imprinted on Bella!. He can't help but be there for her for as long as he's alive!. And poor Bella! He she is with this guy that would otherwise be her soul mate!. He's everything she could ever want or need!.!.!. except he's not Edward!. And then poor Edward! He knows she would otherwise be happy with Jacob, but the damage is already done!. He can't help that they both, Bella and Edward, are lost without each other!.

Hopelessly in love!. I say hopelessly, because without that love, it IS hopeless that they will ever thrive!. If Bella loses Jacob, she will have a scar that will never heal, but will hurt less with time!. As we saw in New Moon, if Bella loses Edward, that pain never gets better!. It can be covered up or ignored, but it will never go away!.

I am not "rooting" for Edward or Jacob!. In Breaking Dawn I am looking for the same thing I found in the other three books!. A story to stir my emotions and make me feel love, despair, hope, and longing while making me care about the welfare of the characters!. Not for my own sake, but for the sake of the other characters in the books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com