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Question: Edward vs!. jacob in breaking dawn!?
so i was thinking, in breaking dawn something has to happen!.
anyone think edward's gonna finish jacob off!?
it's just not like jacob to give up!.!. i think somethings gonna bring him back into bella's life!.!.
any predictions!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Oh come on you guys!. Right now, Jake is going through the same damn thing Bella went through in New Moon when Edward left!. Right now, Jake is hurt and upset and confused!. If Bella can mope around her house for eight months, Jake deserves a few weeks of moping time!. He was in love with her, after all!. Get over it and have a little compassion, why don't you!?

Jacob is going to give up!. It's not like him; he fights for what he believes in, so it's hard for him to give up!. But he has!. One thing everyone should know by now about Jake is that he always keeps his promises!. Always!. He always does what he says he's gonna do; he's reliable that way!. Jake promised Bella he would "be good" and wouldn't "cut her in half anymore"!. If Jake promised, he'll keep the promise!. There's no reason to doubt him!. I can see him interfering again, but only if something really really really really really bad comes up!. If not, he's going to back down and let Bella throw her life away!.

Of course something is going to bring him back into Bella's life!. SM has already said Jake will be in BD again; he's a main character again!. Since the novel is from Bella's POV, she's obviously gonna be around Jake!. But Jake is either going to act how he acted in New Moon-- happy and carefree-- or else he'll put on his Sam Mask (he only acts that way when he's in pain, and he's definitely in pain right now)!.

Edward won't finish Jake off!. He would never hurt Bella that way!. Vice versa too!. SM already said all the characters get happy endings; so I'm assuming Jake, Bella, and Edward aren't going to die!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe they will get married, and Jacob will back off!. Or maybe he will find a love!. Or he tries to convince her getting married is bad, and he will kidnap her!. He might try to stop the wedding half way through, because he doesn't give up!. Or, maybe (evil grin), he will sneak to someone's house, see them sleeping together, and try to kill Edward and he says that he hates Bella!. But I don't think that will happen!. He may imprint on some girl, and never see Bella again!. Edward probably won't finish Jake off!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not really sure, I don't think that Edward will do anything to Jacob in fear of hurting Bella!. But I've never really liked Jacob that much anyway, so I don't really care what happens and I really hope that he doesn't come back!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jacob is being a giant retard and hiding in Canada!. I hope Edward and Bella live happily ever after and that Jacob leaves Bella alone!. I also hope that Jacob imprints on a girl, so he can grow up and be happy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont think jake will be bothering them anymore!.
he said in eclipse he was going to play nice!.
edward certainly wont "finish jacob off",unless
jacob starts it!.!.
i think breaking dawn will be pretty predicable but then
again we never know!.
as long as jake gets his happy ending im good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

oh, i love these books! i cant wait untill it comes out, but im thinking (hoping) that bella stays with Edward!. When Jacob comes back (which i predict he will) it will be sad, im not really sure of anything but that!

i bet jake will come to edward and bellas wedding but then run away right after bella sees him!. i bet jake ends up imprinting on ANgela, so angela finds out about werewolves and vampires!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i am a huge fan of edward but on stephenie meyers web site it said that she like jacob better so maybe bella will end up with jacob i hope not but i dont think that edward would do anything to jacobWww@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with Allie, Jake should face it that she chose Edward over him!. GET OVER IT MAN!Www@QuestionHome@Com