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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I want to write a novel. How long does it take...?

Question: I want to write a novel!. How long does it take!.!.!.!?
to get it published!? Where do I start!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There is no answer to that question!. Ken Follett spend an entire year doing the research for Pillars of the Earth!. A first draft can take anywhere from a couple months to a couple years!. Further drafts and editing come after that!. Then it can take several years for you to get the attention of a publisher!. Remember Gone With The Wind was rejected 37 times!. It is not a quick process and you have a lot to learn before you get to that point!. Start with Stephen King's On Writing and Writers Market!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

There are some people that can crank out books in like a month!. Especially with NaNoWriMo(National Write a Novel Month) where people write an entire novel in a month!. And then some people take years to write a book to get it just write!. It just depends on you as the writer!. And then once you actually write the book, your book could be accepted by a publisher immediately, or it could take a while to find someone that will accept what you have!. Start with a unique idea and just start writing!.

Good luck and I wish you good writing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The time it takes to come up with the idea, polish it, write it, polish that, (try to get an agent), send it to publishers, wade through rejections for the publisher who will agree to it - there will be NUMEROUS rejections no matter how good it is, believe - go through their editing process, et cetera!.
In short, it takes a while!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You start with an idea!.!.!. you end when you feel your work is complete!. Some authors have written novels in days!.!.!.!.!. some have taken years and years!. It all depends on you!. But just the fact you asked this question shows you might not be ready to write a novel!. Good luck though!. Hope I helped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com