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Question: Getting a message out there!?
I'm doing an opinion article on PETA, and I'm writing about their extremism!. I wrote about some of the things they do to get their message out there, and in order to make my point more clear, I would like to know of better ways of getting a message out there than the way PETA does it!. More peaceful ways!. Basically, I'd like to know how you can peacefully get a message out there about the suffering of animals, without being too radicial!. I realize the truth is the only way to make people understand animal suffering, but I know there should be a better way to get the truth out there than sloshing red paint on animal fur or showing children graphic pictures of slaughtered animals!. And please do not criticize this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Raise the money and put out an effective marketing campaign!. Get celebrities and politicians to endorse your cause!. The local T!.V!. networks where I live run a Sarah McLachlan commercial that pretty much brings the point accross, without resorting to "shock" tactics!. I will always associate her song "I Will Remember You" to the cause she's championing in the commercial!.

PETAs "on your face" methods are also used by some environmental groups and, frankly, I find them way too aggressive, so I agree with you!. I do understand to a certain extent the passion towards their cause, but the methods are, at least as I see it, questionable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dont think there's actually a more peaceful way!. When you say to a person - hey, animals suffer, he just turns around and says - i know, so what!? and when you SHOW to someone how much this animal suffers, you make him want to do something so he could never see this horrible view in his life again - to CHANGE something!. Thats my opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Aki, a better way to get your message heard and respected is to raise money and buy advertising space in print and on TV!. You don't need to ruin fur coats and outrage their buyers when film clips, photos, and text can accomplish the same thing!.

I understand their fervor about animal rights, but their methods are both illegal and disgusting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here's some information for your research:

- http://www!.petakillsanimals!.com/
- http://www!.nokillnow!.com/PETAIngridNewki!.!.!.
- http://www!.purebredcatbreedrescue!.org/an!.!.!.
- http://www!.targetofopportunity!.com/anima!.!.!.
- http://www!.activistcash!.com/organization!.!.!.
- http://www!.youtube!.com/watch!?v=l9ijLulwU!.!.!. (note: video uses rough language, so don't watch if that offends you)

The difference between "animal rights" and "animal welfare"!. (Very important to know the difference!)
- http://www!.sover!.net/~lsudlow/ARvsAW!.htm
- http://www!.animalwelfarecouncil!.com/html!.!.!.