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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Could you give me some help with writing?

Question: Could you give me some help with writing!?
Once I get started writing, I'm usually pretty good at it!. I just need a prompt, or maybe a first sentence!. Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First person or third person!?

First person:

I sat upon the damp ground, staring between the two large Oak trees!. The wind was unnaturally loud, making it rather hard to hear what they were saying!. Reading lips was becoming increasingly difficult too, as dusk entered night!.!.!. I could only just make out the shiny gun in the largest mans hand!. He was laughing!. The smaller man, whom was wearing a black hood, kept looking over his shoulder in my direction; as if he knew I was watching them!. The leader of the trio is holding a small black box, which he was opening while grinning!. His platinum hair made him easy to spot, but not nearly as easy as it was to spot what was in the box!.!.!.

Third person:

The black horse galloped wildly through the fields, one which Allen would never set foot upon!. The local ranch was just visible through his grimey window, though he was rather used to looking through the built-up dirt!. He sighed and looked away from the black horse, and stared down at his large textbook!. He had done this page before, it's not like the answers have changed!. Unfortunately, for young Allen!.!.!.

Blah blah, good luck!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm going to give you a link to a good site for over 300 writing prompts!.!.!. simple, effective, 'good practice' prompts!.
You might be able to start on something longer than a short-short from one of them; who am I to know!? I've only looked at a handful of them myself, to see if they are interesting!.
Many are!.
http://www!.creativewritingprompts!.com Just run the arrow over a number for a prompt!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A great website that I have seen for writers recently has a section of story starters that you could choose from:


They have prompts that can help anyone come up with a story!. If you have the time you could also look at some generators if you are truly stumped:




These sites both have generators for names, characters, places and plots that could help you on your way!.

Good luck and happy writing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Okay, here are some first sentences!. Sorry if you don't like them!.
-A gust of wind knocked me into the sea, and I was caged by the tall, formidable waves!.
-You've never been scared until you find yourself dangling off of a window in a penthouse apartment!.
-For some, death equals suffocation!. For others, it's being hit by a bolt of lightning!. But for me <insert your own idea>!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What's your topic and genre!? What kind of essay/story do you have to write!? Is it supposed to informative!? persuasive!? entertaining!? etc!. Start with something to draw your reader in to your essay or story!.!.!. I'd be happy to help more if you provide more specific details!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, it depends on what you want to write about!.
Loosely based on true events!?
High school!?
Business llife!?
I could probably help you out if I knew what your topic was!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Searching for a needle in a haystack would have been child's play compared to what I was about to do - search for a leprechaun in the Old Forest!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

make an account on writing!.com that helps alot and theres like a million references on beginning sentencesWww@QuestionHome@Com