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Question: Favourite Harry Potter book!? and WHY!?
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Goblet of Fire has always been my favorite because it showed me just how good a wizard Harry was even though he didn't know it!. Throughout the rest of the series he always saw himself as just lucky to have help whenever he needed it!. But in GOF he faced each task alone and came out victorious!. Yes, Hermione, and others, helped him prepare, but he accomplished each task himself!. That he could keep up with wizards older than he was and with more training just by using his wits and thinking on his feet told me his mistakes, his modesty and doubts about his own abilities, would make Voldemort and the Death Eaters underestimate him over and over again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My favourite WOULD have been the last, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, because it was the very end and you finally knew what actually happend to Harry Potter which when you think about your purpose of reading the books it's to find out wether or not good or evil won/ Harry Potter lived or not!. AND because it was an ending that was made very untypicle what with the fake dying, Snape, meeting Dumbledore again!. BUT I hated that whole "years later" thing at the end!. So, I think my favourite would be Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince for the obvious reasons like loving Harry Potter but for smaller more particular reasons like when Harry did that spell on Malfoy where he got all bloody!. And the whole "finding the portkeys" adventures and, you know, Dumbledore dying!. It was more then just typical Harry Potter!. It was scarier, more a mystery, more twisted and more intersting to read in my opinion and was by far my favourite!. Plus the ending gave more to think about then any of the others had, which I liked because there was aways so much time before another book was released so I liked to have a lot to keep me wondering and thinking!. Oh, and a bonus is that the coverart was my favourite in that book too!



This book will take you to the edge of your seat and keep you hanging at every page!. JK Rowlings inspired books has been my favourite so far!. What I like about it is that the goblet of fire involves different schools, different situations and risks that confront Harry, Hermoine and Ron!. The Goblet of Fire is unambiguously JK Rowlings best book, the book combines the wits and plot twists with the marvelous essence of being at Hogwarts, holding a wand and cracking a spell!. It is a must read for all fantasy fans!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mine is definitely Deathly Hallows!. That book is a literary masterpiece!
I like it because all of the loose strings are finally tied up!. The action is quick-paced, and the climax is phenomenal! I loved learning about Snape's motivations, the trio's obstacles (which isn't a very good word to describe all of what happened to them), and you have to admit that the Battle of Hogwarts is outstanding!
I sobbed for half of the book!.
What's not to like!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really like The Deathly Hallows because it answers a lot of questions and ends good!. I really like the part where Harry, Hermione and Ron are in the woods, while reading I was able to picture those scenes in my head really well!. JK Rowling really closed up the series fantastically in my opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All of them because they show how harry grows up and you can just picture the scenes in your head especially since we know what the characters look like in the movies its easier to picture it and books are generally better or as good as the movie!

I love harry potter!Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok so lets see I like the second one the best cuz thats when u can tell when u are really into a series of books =)!.!.!.also cuz it never gets old!!! haha oh and i also love the half-blood prince it was so mysterious i would have never guess it was snape!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's definitely the goblet of fire!.

j!.k!. rowling just wrote an explosive novel that completely outdid the previous three!. it kept you on the edge of your seat, and it just had a fantastic plot all-around!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

harry potter and the goblet of fire!. It proper gets you in to the story i think and from all the books its not to many pages its just right!. ur always wondering whats gona happen next!. best one by far!!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the 4th because of cedric digorry (sp!?) (robert pattison a!.k!.a edward cullen)Www@QuestionHome@Com

5 & 6 [Order of the Phonix and Half-Blood Prince]
Because, for me they had the most adventure!.!.!.!.
Goblet of Fire was really good too though!.!.!.they are all goodWww@QuestionHome@Com

ive never liked the books, too long, but i love the fourth harry potter movie!. cause of cedric diggory :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

The one under the leg of my desk to keep it from wobbling!.
I like it best because its just the right thickness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i hate reading

but i did read 1 harry potter book and it waz interesting but i just dont remember the name of it but i do know it waz the first book and movie though!!!!!!