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Position:Home>Books & Authors> In Heart Of Darkness, Why has Marlow been ordered to kill Kurtz?

Question: In Heart Of Darkness, Why has Marlow been ordered to kill Kurtz!?
a!. the army is no longer at war
b!. the Ivory company thinks Kurtz has gone insane
c!. Marlow hates Kurtz and has begged to be allowed to kill him
d!. Kurtz is too popular with the enemyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I don't remember that Marlow's orders were to kill Kurtz -- that was Apocalypse Now!. In the novella, I think Marlow is just supposed to retrieve Kurtz!.

But the answer would be B!.

OK -- the whole question is false -- Marlow is not sent to kill Kurtz at all!. His job is as a pilot for the ivory company!. He will meet Kurtz out of curiousity and as a part of that job!. There are those at the central station hoping Kurtz is dead, but Marlow isn't given any orders to kill Kurtz, or do anything else other than give Kurtz some information!.

This question hopelessly confuses the movie Apocalypse Now and Conrad's book!. If your teacher asked it, tell him that you think the question is wrong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

b) But you really ought to read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com