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Question: What is Difference between knowledge and wisdom !?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Knowledge is knowing something
Wisdom is understanding it

A knowledgeable person will be able to read a book and know what the plot is about, a wise person will read a book and know what it meansWww@QuestionHome@Com

Knowledge is having information!.
Wisdom is applying it and understanding the meaning of it!.

The first two answerers said it perfectly!. A knowledgeable person may know everything there is to know about science or history or English; a wise person may know all things, but knows what it means and knows how to apply it!. A knowledgeable person may read every book ever written; a wise person can do that, but also understands what the author wanted you to learn from the book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Imagine that you have never had chocolate cheesecake - had no concept of desserts, even!. You are given a very large chocolate cheesecake and it is so delicious that you devour it in one sitting!. It is more than your digestive system can bear, and you lay awake all night with a horrendous tummy ache!.
Some time in the future, you are presented with another chocolate cheesecake!. Knowledge tells you that it is delicious; it also tells you that you will suffer if you eat the whole thing at once!.
Wisdom is when you choose to have just a small slice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's a very philosophical question but I'm no philosopher!.!.!.

But in simple terms knowledge is when you know something for a fact!.!.!.like fire burns skin!.

While wisdom is when you apply the knowledge you have in a situation!.!.!.for eg the first guy who thought of using a cigarette lighter to remove a leech because he knew that it would burn its skin!.!.!.had wisdom!.

Although knowledge depends extensively on one education,wisdom doesn't!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Knowledge, the knowing of things, is useless in of itself!. It is wisdom that allows you to apply knowledge!. Knowledge can be acquired by any man but wisdom comes only to those who have a desire for God!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Knowledge is gained through education and experience!. Wisdom is the ability to decipher and understand the true meaning behind that knowledge!.


To possess knowledge requires education and memorization!. To possess wisdom requires reasoning, experience, intelligence and insight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

knowledge is something that can be taught!. wisdom is something that is learned on your own!.!.!.!.!.or over time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Julia and Lori are both right!. I don't think I could say it any better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com