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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Suggest books for me? [and don't say twilight]?

Question: Suggest books for me!? [and don't say twilight]!?
Okay, so i have read the twilight series!.
I felt it wasnt that good!.
-dont kill me-

anyway, i have a really high reading level, and im wondering what books i should read!. classics or not it doesnt matter!. as long has it has a good story line!.

thank you =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have like college reading level and I'm in 7th grade

I love the series Chronicles of Ancient Darkness, Warrior Cats, May Bird, Guardians of Ga' Hoole!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

thank god! i have never read twilight and i actually planned on it but ever since every one kept bombarding me with "omg you have to read twilight" and "i cant believe you've never read it!'"

i have officially made up my mind to never read it!.!.lol

kay here goes

meg cabot is really good!.!.i loved the princess diaries series

a corner of the universe

the night i disappeared

the giver

number the stars



series of unfortunate events!.!.!.= ]]!.!.read them all, really good


flowers for algernon

a tree grows in brooklyn

sweet friday island/ i didnt really like this

the pearl/ didnt like this either

esperanza rising!.!.a little more for like 7th graders!.!.i like it even though im in high school

the bone collector(the first one)!.!.great start!.!.next chapter was slow but after that it was amazing!.!.couldnt put it down! = ]

of mice and men

great expectation!.!.!.realllllllyyy long

the joy luck club

i heard the author sarah dressen is pretty god!.!.never read her books though

a wrinkle in time

the passion

the black cat by edgar allen poe = ]

catcher in the rye

**i am a total book worm and these are mostly teen read except for maybe flowers for algernon!.!.it pretty long = ]

and flipped is a really good one!.!.!. i have read it about 7 times!.!.lol = ]Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Truth About Forever
Just Listen
and This Lullaby

All by Sarah Dessen!.

Sorry I'm not very good at book summaries!. I always give away too much!.
I'm just going to say that I thought they were well written, and the story lines were really nice, tied in together beautifully!.

You'll love them!. [Hopefully]
Just try one first, kaye!? In my opinion, The Truth About Forever is the sweetest, This Lullaby is the funniest, and Just Listen is just really good, its in the running for sweetest as well!.

Well, good luck!.
x Caroline!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You sound exactly like me! lol!. A spectacular read is "The Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follet--it's absolutely AMAZING!. When I read it I couldn't put it down, and it has a high reading level too!. There's also a sequel (which I'm in the process of reading currently) which is called "World Without End!." So far it's been just as great as the first!

Here's a brief summary of "The Pillars of the Earth", if you're interested!--> http://www2!.oprah!.com/obc_classic/featbo!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

OK, classics that are amazing!.!.!.
Les Miserables-Victor Hugo
The Hunchback of Notre Dame-Victor Hugo
Jane Eyre-Charlotte Bronte
Peter and Wendy-JM Barrie

Non classics!.!.!.
Anything by Meg Cabot (very cute and romantic and easy reads)
Tamora Pierce's books (fantasy)
Jodi Picoult's books (a bit mature, I don't know how old you are!.!.!.I began reading them when I was 15)
Sarah Dessen (very similar to Jodi Picoult except not as mature)Www@QuestionHome@Com

A Catcher In The Rye!.
Wicked Lovely!.
That's all that comes to mind at the moment!.

And hah, I won't kill you for not enjoying the Twilight series!.
I strongely disagree, but everyone's different!.
Just do me a favor, if you started it, please finish it!
Breaking Dawn, August 2nd!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

cough coughtwilightcough cough!.!.!.

these are some books I liked!.!.

A Great and Terrible Beauty,Libba Bray
Avalon High,Meg Cabot
Uglies Saga,Scott Westerfield
Go Ask Alice, edited by Beatriz Sparks
White Oleander,!?!?
Things Not Seen,Andrew Clements

The Secret of Lost Things---Sheridan Hay
InkHeart---Corneilia Funke
Left Behind---Tim LaHaye, Jerry Jenkins
Great Expectations---Charles Dickens
Farenheit 451---Ray Bradbury

All excellent!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Although I am shocked you did ot like Twilight, I will give you list of books that are not Twilight!.!.!.
Pride and Prejudice
War and Peace
The Cry of the Icemark
Harry Potter
All Shakespeare

I may edit as I think of some more!.!. Enjoy!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Vampire Diaries - L!. J!. Smith
Dracula - Bram Stroker
To Kill A Mockingbird - Harper Lee
Pride & Prejudice - Jane Austen
A Separate Peace - John Knowles
Lord of the Rings - J!. R!. R!. Tolkien
1984 - George OrwellWww@QuestionHome@Com

Don't worry, I won't!. I appreciate how you didn't call its readers fangirls who don't know a good book from a bad one!.

I personally LOVE The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux!.


These arent too high but they are reaelly good its a series called The Clique by Lisi HarrisonWww@QuestionHome@Com

Survivor by chuck palahniuk , great book , very cinical view of the worldWww@QuestionHome@Com

vanity fair if you are up to the challenge!. i hated it but i was confused the whole time, i love jane austen though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com