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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What Do You Think the pawn and queen stand for in Breaking Dawn ?

Question: What Do You Think the pawn and queen stand for in Breaking Dawn !?
I got a few theories !.!.!.

The white one means the white angel that she saw in her dream in Eclipse ( She was in the snow covered with blood !.!. The red pawn means her being a vampire !.!.!.

The Queen stands for Bella and the red pawn means the newborn vampires ( In eclipse it mentions the babies are small pawns and are small )

The Queen means she's become a queen ( wife ) and the red pawn means maybe !.!. Charlie as a vampire ( quote of the day says Ssomething about baseball ) they might be playing base ball with the Cullens and wouldnt he notice there strength !? !.!.!.

Do you guys have any theories !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
My opinion!.!.!.!.!.

The white Queen represents Bella as a vampire- strong, cold, unbreakable!. The Queen is the strongest piece in chess!.

The red Pawn represents Bella's human self- full of life, blood!. The pawn is the weakest piece in chess!.

The cover represents her choice to become a vampire and stay with Edward!.!.!.nothing else!.

The Queen(vampire Bella) is stronger than the Pawn(human Bella)!.!.!.She will become a vampireWww@QuestionHome@Com

i have about 2ish

the red pawn represents herself when she is with Jacob or whatever and the white queen is her when she is with Edward

the red pawn represents her doubts and the white represents her you know choices or not doubts (dont really know how to explain it)

and at first i thought the red pawn was jacob because he is a redish color and he represent a small pawn in her love life or whatever and that edward was the white thing but then i realized it was a queen so i knew i couldnt be it

but basic i believe its the changes or something that represent the internal conflicts for bella!.!.!.


i hope u understood that lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

i think the white queen is her as a vampire and the red pawn is Jacob in the preface it seems like he might be trying to hurt her,i think it's because she's a vampire!.so,the red pawn and the white queen in a very complex game,it could be Jacob and her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think it represents something or someone becoming more important that something or someone else!. Like something being over shadowed!. also, i think the baseball quote was what Charlie says when hes about to walk Bella down the isle!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it means Bella becoming a vampire and being married!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the baseball quote means when they're about to walk down the aisle!.Www@QuestionHome@Com