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Question: What was written on breaking dawn back cover!?!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"Don't be afraid," I murmered
"We belong together!."

I was abruptly overwhelmed by the truth of my own words!.
This moment was so perfect, so right, there was no way to doubt it!.

His arms wrapped around me holding me against him!.
It felt like every nerve in my body was alive wire!.

"Forever," he agreed!.

ahhh!.!.!.awww!.!.so perfect!!! this was on the BD poster on the back of the cover of Eclipse special edition for those of you who were wondering!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sadly, we dont know!

Stephenie Meyer is trying extremely hard to keep the overall plotline hidden, and the blurb on the back of Breaking Dawn would reveal a lot about the storyline!.

It's probably better for you in the long run not to have any spoilers!. :) (i know how hard it is, the books are so addictive)

Sadly, people like me that live in Australia have to wait till the 4th of August for Breaking Dawn!.

It sucks, I know!. And we have to wait until January 8th for the movie!

Its a hard life :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Don't be afraid," I murmered
"We belong together!."
I was abruptly overwhelmed by the truth of my own words!.
Tis moment was so perfect, so right, there was no way to doubt it!.
His arms wrapped around me holding me against him!.
It felt like every nerve in my body was alive wire!.
"Forever," he agreed!.

Ahhh breaking dawn is soooo close!!!

It's not out so I don't know yet!?

If you're looking for a summary of it, go to Amazon!.com and search "Breaking Dawn"!.

Or just wait 15 more days until its release (:Www@QuestionHome@Com

No one knows for sure yet because its not out yet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com