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Question: Has anyone else read The Thornbirds!?
It's a book by colleen McCullough and I loved it (hated with a passion the crap movie adaption)!. Anyone else read it - ideas and opinions!? What did you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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fantastic book!. Another fantastic book is "Savages" by Shirley Conran, about 5 rich, spoilt women who are trapped in the jungle in Papa New Guinea for years and they have to learn to survive in terrible conditions!. I read that book three times and you would just love it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I read it years ago and enjoyed the story!. It definitely kept your interest!. It was quite sweeping in scope and drew you in, getting you involved in the lives of the characters!. I really enjoyed the view you got of Australia's Outback, the difficult life to be found on a sheep station and the rather rugged terrain!.

I have to say, though, that Ralph annoyed me at times (sometimes obtuse and always ambitious)!. Meggie was a character I liked for her strength and perseverance!.

Part of what I didn't like about the (wasn't it a mini-series!?) movie was the poor casting!. As I recall, Ralph and her husband (Luke!?) were supposed to look alike - at least having the very same coloring!. (Am I remembering correctly!?) Still the movie/series was interesting, if you hadn't read the book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Thorn Birds!? When I was little my mom & aunt watches the TV series back in the 80's!. I wish I could give Ideas or opinions but I was too young!.!.all I remember was a naked woman standing in front of the guy @ the few last episodes of the series!. cheers!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, I read it years ago!. Excellent book!Www@QuestionHome@Com