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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I got writer's block for the first time writing my short story, how do I get

Question: I got writer's block for the first time writing my short story, how do I get out!?
I'm thinking it might be my severe lack of sleep, but it would still be nice to know the answer for future blocks!.

Yeah!.!.!. Should I stop trying to write and get some sleep!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If your tired sleep or just do something else you enjoy, go for a walk or chat with a friend!.
If you get an idea then your writers block should be gone, dont stress about it too much because it could just make it worse and there is no point in beating yourself up about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just what you're doing now is one way to learn more about the problem, find workable solutions, and reassure yourself that you are not alone and doomed!.

Another way to work through the block -- that also keeps your writing muscles from atrophying -- is writing about writer's block!. For me, the exercise of creating these pages has been immensely helpful in recognizing and working through my own block!.
Writing self-dialogues, doing exercises, keeping a journal, and jotting down ideas are all possibile ways to keep yourself in touch with writing in short, manageable doses!.

If your writer's block has been going on for a while and the very thought of even trying to write makes you feel ill, it might not be a bad idea to take a deliberate break or sabbatical from writing!. This is not the same as quitting or giving up writing!. This is taking action against a sea of troubles!. Give the sabbatical a definite time frame and use the time to actively work on the writer's block problem!. At the end of the time frame, test the waters to see if you feel like writing again!. Lather, rinse, repeat until your eagerness to write, or to try to write, returns!.

It's good to have people around that you can talk to openly and honestly about not being able to write, but it's particularly good if you can talk to another writer about it!. There is something to be said for communicating with people who've shared your experience -- who have been blocked and survived, who have never been blocked and have a philosophy you can learn from, or who may be just as blocked as you but can offer some real sympathy and understanding!.

Good luck in curing your writer's block!

P!.S!. At least eight to nine hours' sleep may prove to aid you in your recovery!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

keep writing, the worse thing to do (for me at least) during a writer's block is to put it off to the side!. When I do this, I lose track of where I wanted to go and after a while I completely forget about it!. Just write anything that comes to mind, a short verse or phrase from your favorite book, a good quote, who knows, maybe a new source of inspiration may hit you then!. :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

The term writer's 'block' is a cliche and a myth!.

It should be renamed either 'gimme more ideas' or 'procrastination'!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

write in a notebook activities you should do and get some rest!. Activities can be really helpful and give you some imagination!.Www@QuestionHome@Com