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Question: Who wrote "Letters to No One" !?
This is REALLY bothering me!. I read this book in 7th or 8th grade!. It's about a couple of teenagers, the girl gets pregnant, and she writes letters to her unborn child!. I would love to know who wrote this, and where I could find it!. The title might be "letters to nobody" but I honestly dont remember!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's "Dear Nobody" by Berlie Doherty!.


The book I find that most suits your description is called:
"Love Letters Before Birth and Beyond" --subtitled A Mother's Journal to Read and Keep-- by Mary Knight!.
It is a book of the letters she wrote to her unborn baby from the time she first knew she was pregnant 'and beyond!.'
It looks interesting, actually-- from what I could read on Amazon, Mary Knight is a good writer and was very 'into' her pregnancy!.

Two others I saw there were called:
"Letters to an Unborn Child" by David E!. Ireland, Louis B!. Tharp Jr!. and Constance Preston Tharp
"Letters to an Unborn Child" by C!.A!. Pearson

Suggest you follow the Amazon link above and put these titles and authors into the search box to see more about them!.
Be sure you're in the Books category!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com