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Question: A new book!?!?! !!?!!?
ok i like to read i just finished the Host by stephine meyer and her twlight series i read the shadow childern series by margert peterson haddex and the blue blood by uhh i forgot who does any1 have any books in mind !?!?!?!? 10 points 4 best answer thanx!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Love, eat and pray!.!.!. really good book! Everything by Sophie Kinsella is amazing, especially the 'shopaholic' seriesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Ok, regardless of your age, there is one that will be a quick and deeply thougthful read!. It may not apply to your life right now, but it's called: "Surviving the Loss of a Love!." It can be used for grieving the loss of a friend or family in death, or loss of a lover, a wife or husband, or even a job that was meaningful to you!. I got a copy on Amazon used for ten cents! Sent a copy to one of my daughters and my son!. Good luck! It's green, and has 3 authors!. The left side has a brief prose and helpful ouline on each phase of the loss, but each right page has a poem and they are GREAT!Www@QuestionHome@Com