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Question: Writers, what're you currently working on!?
I'm just curious to see what projects y'all have in the works!. There’s no need to post an elaborate summary, unless, of course, you completely trust everyone on here!. The basics (genre, narrative, setting, etc!.) will suffice!.

Thanks! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm working on a novel and, most likely, it's sequel!.

It's going to be an action/drama-y , third person, taking place in a modern, big city (not decided yet) story!. The basic summary is just following a rather stuck up, grumpy hit man over two big missions that basically define his life!.

The first novel isn't really planned out yet (I'm wanting to save it for November), but the second one is!. At the moment, I haven't really started on it but have really been focusing on developing my characters!.

If I don't give up on it, I think it'll turn out pretty good!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have a novel in editing right now that is a super-natural love triangle!. It's not nearly as cliche as that sounds, and I'm hoping to shop it around to agents by August!.

I just started another novel, focusing on a step mother/step daughter relationship!.

I have several on the back burners!. Unfortunately, life gets in the way sometimes!

Good luck to everyone!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm working on getting an agent for a completed novel!. (Crossed fingers appreciated!)

I'm waiting to hear back from a magazine where I submitted a short story!.

I'm ready to rewrite a short story that used to be a chapter in an abandoned novel, about a college student whose schizophrenia blossoms at school!.

I'm planning a novel with three overlapping points of view, set in medieval times!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am writing a fantasy/adventure novel!. I finished planning it a few months ago and I am in the middle of writing the third chapter!. I hope to have it finished by 2010 or 2011, and I hope to find an agent to publish it around 2012 or so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm working on a seiries(hopefully) of stories about two kids, a boy and a girl, growing up in a small town!.
It's not romance, just because I think there's enough of that(plus I'm crappy at writing that!)Www@QuestionHome@Com