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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Why did Edward say "Amazing, Carlisle was right." ?

Question: Why did Edward say "Amazing, Carlisle was right!." !?
I must be a retard but i just need to understand!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Because he thought he was dead and that he was in heaven, because he saw Bella (whom he also thought was dead, and according to his mind, Bella would only belong in heaven)
So he was saying that Carlisle's assumption that he would go to heaven was right!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He said "amazing Carlisle was right" because Edward has a theory that once you are a vampire you loose your sole and therefore you cant go to heaven!. However carlisle has a theory that vampires do go to heaven and have souls!. When he thought the volturi had killed him and he saw Bella (who in his mind would be in heaven if she was dead) he thought he was in heaven!. So he was saying amazing carlise is right that vampires go to heaven and have soles!. i hope that isn't confusing and that it helped :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lol no you're not a retard!. See Edward always thought that because he is a vampire he didn't have a soul and so if he ever died he would go to hell!. Carlisle on the other hand believed that vampires did have souls and went to heaven but Edward never listened!. However when he steps out into the light and sees Bella he thinks he's already dead and that if Bella is there it's heaven!. So he says "Amazing, Carlisle was right!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

aww its one of my favourite lines from the books!.

Its because Edward doesnt believe there is a heaven, he believes he has no soul and so ownt go to heaven but Carlisle believes he will go to heaven because he is a good person anyway!.
He was about tostep out into the light and thought he was dead so he thought Bella was dead too that he must have made it to heaven!.
He thought Carlisle had been right and they were both dead in heaven!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because he thought the volture had killed him and now that bella was there he was in heaven (which he didnt believe he could go to since his "soul was taken" when he was turned) so he was so peaceful and happy he thought carlisle was right :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Elaborate on that!.!.!. Which book, after what situation, etc!.!.!.!.


I knew it was twilight, obviously!.
I was asking which book, as in, was it in twilight, new moom, or eclipse!.


im not sureWww@QuestionHome@Com