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Question: Ideas for a good, catchy title for my book!?
Country boy Cade Miller has his heart stolen by a vampire, Mikhail, but he messes around with a girl, Annabella, and ends up with a child!. Mikhail plays the part of the jealous friend and gets upset that he is not the only one in Cade's life and disappears, leaving Cade alone with his new family!. The story takes you through his life with his wife and daughter, including flashbacks of the times he had with the Mikhail!.
The problems arise when his family begins to doubt his love, because he can't shake his obsession with Mikhail, and his wife sees it!. His daughter also begins to see it more so as she gets older!. It is a very sad story, with more than one heart-breaking scene!.
I need a good title for it!. I'm not looking for something cheesy and romantic!. I want something that will make people pick up the book and say "Hmm, what is this about!?"
Please help!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"Blood Obsession"!?!?

Blood as in vampire and obsession as in!.!.!.well, obsession!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A life full of mistakes and decisionsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Jealous Mistake

so mikhail is a guy!?!? I'm kinda confusedWww@QuestionHome@Com

Is he gay!? I thought Mikhail was a boy's name!. I guess not!.

I agree with the above comment!. Name it Cliche!. It fits the plot you gave us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just name it Cliche!.

I'm sure tons of people will want to read it!.
