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Question: Twilight question!!?
Who is getting tired of people trashing Twilight!!? It really ticks me off! Okay so you don't like the book, but you don't have to ruin it for the rest of the people who do! It's your option that the book sucks, and it's written badly!. But not everyone in the world thinks that!. Maybe you think that everyone should think the way you do!. But they don't! I don't love the book!. But I really like it!. It helps people escape to other place!. It could help someone whos depressed!. You never know!. But your ruining the book for other people that haven't even read it yet!. They need to decide for themselves if they hate it, or like/love it!. Let people decide for themselves if its trash!.

Thank you for reading!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You weren't as rude as most!. And by 'most' I mean both Twilighters and Anti-Twilighters!. Both have served to make Yahoo Answers a very unpleasant site!.

You must know that some of the fans have gotten annoying, and to everyone, not just the people that hate Twilight!. But still, the Anti-Twilighters went just as low as the Twilighters!.

But unless I'm mistaken, Twilight is a book!. Just a book!. Whether it is good or bad is beyond the point (and an opinion, not a fact)!. The point is: neither the fans nor the anti-fans are right!.

As to the people trashing the book being rude, the same could be said about fans!. I haven't been able to ask for book reccomendations because all anyone ever suggests is Twilight!. EVEN if I tell them I've already read it!.

So where does that leave us!? Each of us is annoyed and angry!. Not good!. But when neither side listens to the other's side, what is there to do!?

I am left at my own conclusion: if you fight fire with fire, you're left with a bunch of ashes and a pissed off Smokey the Bear!. We need to realize than both sides are annoying and need to tone it down a bit!.

Sorry!. I think I was rambling a bit at the end!. Still, I get your point and I'm sure by now you get mine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe its like one of those things where certain people like it but when it gets popular they're all like "its so conformist!" and then they don't wanna have anything to do with it anymore!. They don't like that its not their secret thing anymore!. Have you noticed that even people who say they hate it have read like all the books and know everything about it!. Don't you think if you hated it you would stop reading after the first one or even halfway through!?Its popular to encourage and hope for success for people but when it happens many are hateful and jealous!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm trashing Twilight for a couple of reasons!.

First, I did not like the book and I just do not understand why so many people do!.!.I'm baffled!.

Second, I trash it because I'm tired of coming on here and basically every other post is a Twilight question!. If you have a question just search for it, I'm sure there will be literally thousands of the same question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Haha, I totally agree with you! No need to trash something!. If you don't like it, you don't like it!. No need to rag on it!. I really enjoyed the Twilight series so far, and I am sick of people claiming it is poorly written!. Stephenie Meyer is an amazing author who's talents and imagination are obviously outstanding! Being a best-seller on your first series, and first adult book, like wow!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh really!? You're tired of it!? I DON'T CARE!.
Calling me immature will not get me to stop!. Telling me I'm annoying will not get me to stop!. Basically, uhm, I'm not stopping!. I have the right to hate on Twilight, just like you mindless followers have the right to obsess over it!. Seriously!. Every time I come in this section, I see questions like "OMGAHHH! JACOB EDWARD OR SWITZERLAND!?!" Guess what!? If you type in Edward vs!. Jacob in the search bar, 500,000+ results come up!.
also, when people ask in a public forum such as this one MY OPINION on Twilight, I give it to them!. And I ususally get best answer for it ^_^
So get a life Twilight Zoner, you're annoying!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hey, the name is Mandii and I am a big fan of twilight!. I understand why people might get tired of twilight being everywhere!. It's like hannah montana and high school musical, they are everywhere and i hate it!. think about something that they like but you hate and yet you see it everywhere like i dont with HM and HSM!.!.!.!.i am sick and tired of it but all my friends love them!. put yourself in there shoes and maybe you might be able to understand!.
I hope you can now understand what i am trying to say!.
Have a good day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just like you have the right to like the books, we have the right to dislike them in peace, and it's no wonder that people get annoyed because of the sheer volume of Twilight questions here, most of them repetitions of earlier ones that would not be here if someone would just take a look at the community guidelines and search before they ask!. Many of the questions are in the wrong category as well, and would be much better served on a fansite dedicated to the series, where fans can rant and rave to their hearts' content!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't mind when people say they dislike Twilight in response to a question asking what they thought!.

What I do mind is when they
*insult, judge, and make fun of Twilight fans
*bash Twilight on questions NOT asking what they think
*act like their opinion is the only legitimate one

Very well said, Bella C!.

also, I agree with Aly!. Both the fans and the haters have been totally immature!. I think everyone on this site should just take a deep breath, chill out, and realize that they are contributing to the problem with their rudeness!.


I agree it is kind of annoying when people keep asking the same questions, but do they really need to click on a Twilight question if they are so annoyed by them, I mean couldn't they just move on to a question that they like better!. By the way I am obbsessed with the series!! lol :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hmm this sounds a lot more like venting than a question!.!.!.!.

( I LoVe Twilight )Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your so right!. I just saw someone who had a question trash talking the saga!. I totally get what your sayingWww@QuestionHome@Com

yea ur right!. am about 2 go buy new moon now!. i dont mind readin it at all!.

Best books EVER!. It brings me to a new place :) I LOVE them so much!.


I KNOW! i love twilight so leave me alone ppl!
team jacobWww@QuestionHome@Com

I love the book and stuff but it is just getting so annoying with the same questions asked over and over againWww@QuestionHome@Com

Consider the people who are giving it bad reviews a counter to the people who are calling it the greatest book ever!. If someone asks whether or not it is good I am going to be honest and say no I do not think it is good!. I am not saying that people who like the book are crazy but my opinion of the book is that the bad out weighs the good!. I have a right to be honest and answer the questions!.

also it might help your case if the people did not ask the same questions 20 times a day!. Honestly no one changes their predictions about breaking dawn or which "team" they are on every 10 minutes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm just tired of seeing most of these Twilight questions!. Honestly, half of them are just chatting; "omg, do u think eddie is hawt!? cuz i totally do!" or they've been asked a million times!.

And besides, I have every right to answer a question honestly!. If they ask if I loved Twilight, I will tell them the truth!. No, I did not like it!. It was a poorly written book with a whiny, needy protagonist and characters that seem incredibly shallow!.

Just my opinion (not option, as you called it) but if you don't want to hear other people's views on the Twilight series, go to a fansite instead!.Www@QuestionHome@Com